Journal: Computer Physics Communications

Volume 184, Issue 4

1077 -- 1085T. H. Cho, W. S. Su, T. C. Leung, Wei Ren, C. T. Chan. Electronic and optical properties of bundled single-walled carbon nanotubes investigated by the first-principles method
1086 -- 1093S. A. Galindo-Torres, A. Scheuermann, L. Li, D. M. Pedroso, D. J. Williams. A Lattice Boltzmann model for studying transient effects during imbibition-drainage cycles in unsaturated soils
1094 -- 1105Shamsul Qamar, Sidrah Ahmed. The space-time CE/SE method for solving one-dimensional special relativistic magnetohydrodynamics equations
1106 -- 1118Lin Zhang 0010, Jie Ouyang, Xiaohua Zhang. The variational multiscale element free Galerkin method for MHD flows at high Hartmann numbers
1119 -- 1128Y. Afshar, F. Schmid, A. Pishevar, S. Worley. Exploiting seeding of random number generators for efficient domain decomposition parallelization of dissipative particle dynamics
1129 -- 1149Jonathan D. Halverson, Thomas Brandes, Olaf Lenz, Axel Arnold, Stas Bevc, Vitaliy Starchenko, Kurt Kremer, Torsten Stuehn, Dirk Reith. ESPResSo++: A modern multiscale simulation package for soft matter systems
1150 -- 1154Hong Fu, Limin Zheng, Minghui Yang. Accelerating modified Shepard interpolated potential energy calculations using graphics processing units
1155 -- 1160Johannes Zierenberg, Martin Marenz, Wolfhard Janke. Scaling properties of a parallel implementation of the multicanonical algorithm
1161 -- 1164Yong Zhang, Ting-Zhu Huang, Wei Shao, Sheng-Jian Lai. Some new strategies for RCM ordering in solving electromagnetic scattering problems
1165 -- 1171Peter Wittek, Fernando M. Cucchietti. A second-order distributed Trotter-Suzuki solver with a hybrid CPU-GPU kernel
1172 -- 1182Andriy O. Lyakhov, Artem R. Oganov, Harold T. Stokes, Qiang Zhu. New developments in evolutionary structure prediction algorithm USPEX
1183 -- 1190Markus Hopfer, Reinhard Alkofer, Gundolf Haase. Solving the ghost-gluon system of Yang-Mills theory on GPUs
1191 -- 1202Carlos Teijeiro, Godehard Sutmann, Guillermo L. Taboada, Juan Touriño. Parallel Brownian dynamics simulations with the message-passing and PGAS programming models
1203 -- 1210G. Demeter. Solving the Maxwell-Bloch equations for resonant nonlinear optics using GPUs
1211 -- 1219Stéphane Balac, Fabrice Mahé. Embedded Runge-Kutta scheme for step-size control in the interaction picture method
1220 -- 1233J. S. Lee, M. Carena, J. Ellis, A. Pilaftsis, C. E. M. Wagner. CPsuperH2.3: An updated tool for phenomenology in the MSSM with explicit CP violation
1234 -- 1240J. R. Johansson, P. D. Nation, Franco Nori. QuTiP 2: A Python framework for the dynamics of open quantum systems
1241 -- 1249Shuang Gao, Gregory D. Peterson. GASPRNG: GPU accelerated scalable parallel random number generator library
1250 -- 1271Ronald M. Caplan. NLSEmagic: Nonlinear Schrödinger equation multi-dimensional Matlab-based GPU-accelerated integrators using compact high-order schemes
1272 -- 1279Kyungwon Chun, Huioon Kim, Hyounggyu Kim, Kil Su Jung, Youngjoo Chung. GMES: A Python package for solving Maxwell's equations using the FDTD method
1280 -- 1286Hartmut Hafermann, Philipp Werner, Emanuel Gull. Efficient implementation of the continuous-time hybridization expansion quantum impurity solver
1287 -- 1296Veerle Ledoux, Marnix Van Daele. Automatic computation of quantum-mechanical bound states and wavefunctions
1297 -- 1309Ilja Honkonen, Sebastian von Alfthan, A. Sandroos, Pekka Janhunen, Minna Palmroth. Parallel grid library for rapid and flexible simulation development
1310 -- 1321J. M. Franco, I. Gómez. Some procedures for the construction of high-order exponentially fitted Runge-Kutta-Nyström methods of explicit type
1322 -- 1332William K. Ridgeway, David P. Millar, James R. Williamson. Vectorized data acquisition and fast triple-correlation integrals for Fluorescence Triple Correlation Spectroscopy
1333 -- 1338M. Giannotti, M. Wise, A. Mohammed. MESAFace, a graphical interface to analyze the MESA output
1339 -- 1343Eniko J. M. Madarassy, Viktor T. Toth. Numerical simulation code for self-gravitating Bose-Einstein condensates
1344 -- 1345I. V. Grossu, I. Grossu, D. Felea, C. Besliu, Al. Jipa, T. Esanu, C. C. Bordeianu, E. Stan. Hyper-Fractal Analysis: A visual tool for estimating the fractal dimension of 4D objects
1346 -- 1347I. V. Grossu, C. Besliu, Al. Jipa, D. Felea, T. Esanu, E. Stan, C. C. Bordeianu. Chaos Many-Body Engine v03: A new version of code C# for chaos analysis of relativistic many-body systems with reactions
1348 -- 0N. S. Scott. Editor's corrigendum to "Phonon dispersion measured directly from molecular dynamics simulations" [Comput. Phys. Comm. 182(10) (2011) 2201-2207]