Journal: Comput. Stat.

Volume 14, Issue 4

469 -- 489David J. Marchette, Wendy L. Poston. Local dimensionality reduction
491 -- 500Helmuth Späth. Estimating the parameters of an ellipse when angular differences are known
501 -- 513Mikael Linden. Estimating effort function with semiparametric model
515 -- 532Thomas C. M. Lee, Victor Solo. Bandwidth selection for local linear regression: A simulation study
533 -- 558Regina Kaiser. Detection and estimation of structural changes and outliers in unobserved components

Volume 14, Issue 3

293 -- 314Guoqi Qian. Computations and analysis in robust regression model selection using stochastic complexity
315 -- 337Xuming He, Pin Ng. COBS: qualitatively constrained smoothing via linear programming
339 -- 353Andreas Christmann. On group sequential tests based on robust location and scale estimators in the two-sample problem
355 -- 373Angeles Saavedra, Ricardo Cao. A comperative study of two convolution-type estimators of the marginal density of moving average processes
375 -- 395Heikki Haario, Eero Saksman, Johanna Tamminen. Adaptive proposal distribution for random walk Metropolis algorithm
397 -- 418Raffaella Piccarreta. Sharp bounds for the maximum of the Goodman-Kruskal τ index in a class of I x J tables with given row and column totals
419 -- 442Didier Chauveau, Jean Diebolt. An automated stopping rule for MCMC convergence assessment
443 -- 467Ana M. Aguilera, Francisco A. Ocaña, Mariano J. Valderrama. Forecasting time series by functional PCA. Discussion of several weighted approaches

Volume 14, Issue 2

161 -- 169Johan Lyhagen. Identification of the order of a fractionally differenced ARMA model
171 -- 187Mikael Gredenhoff, Sune Karlsson. Lag-length selection in VAR-models using equal and unequal lag-length procedures
189 -- 195Jürgen Ehlgen. A simple algorithm to factorize the autocovariance function of a moving average process
197 -- 211Werner G. Müller, Andrej Pázman. An algorithm for the computation of optimum designs under a given covariance structure
213 -- 231Tim Holliday, Giovanni Pistone, Eva Riccomagno, Henry P. Wynn. The application of computational algebraic geometry to the analysis of designed experiments: a case study
233 -- 250Jorge Alberto Achcar, Gilberto de Araújo Pereira. Mixture models for type II censored survival data in the presence of covariates
251 -- 261Farid Beninel, François Husson. An optimized algorithm to determine the values of the exact cumulative distribution function of some discrete statistics
263 -- 276Wang-Shu Lu. The efficiency of the method of moments estimates for hyperparameters in the empirical Bayes binomial model
277 -- 292Sauchi Stephen Lee. Regularization in skewed binary classification

Volume 14, Issue 1

1 -- 6Deborah F. Swayne, Sigbert Klinke. Introduction to the special issue on interactive graphical data analysis: What is interaction ?
7 -- 22Antony Unwin. Requirements for interactive graphics software for exploratory data analysis
23 -- 38Edward C. Chao. Interactive data analysis based on dialog systems in S-PLUS
39 -- 51Laura Nelson, Dianne Cook, Carolina Cruz-Neira. XGobi vs the C2: Results of an experiment comparing data visualization in a 3-D immersive virtual reality environment with a 2-D workstation display
53 -- 77Alfred Inselberg. Don't panic ... just do it in parallel!
79 -- 89Tova Avidan, Shlomo Avidan. ParallAX - A data mining tool based on parallel coordinates
91 -- 108Martin Theus. Analysing storm data using highly interactive tools
109 -- 146Adalbert F. X. Wilhelm, Edward J. Wegman, Jürgen Symanzik. Visual clustering and classification: The Oronsay particle size data set revisited
147 -- 159David A. James. Interactive data analysis in a manufacturing setting - A case study