- Shiang Cao, Yangquan Chen. Data-Driven Controllability and Controller Designs for Nabla Fractional Order Systems. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 8:3033-3038, 2024.
- Shuang Zhang, Sara Ifqir, Vicenç Puig. Linear Quadratic Zonotopic Control of Switched Systems: Application to Autonomous Vehicle Path-Tracking. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 8:1895-1900, 2024.
- Jiamin Cai, Chenyue Zhang, Hoi-To Wai. Optimal Pricing for Linear-Quadratic Games With Nonlinear Interaction Between Agents. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 8:1631-1636, 2024.
- Tsuyoshi Yuno, Kazuma Fukuchi, Yoshio Ebihara. A Lyapunov-Based Method of Reducing Activation Functions of Recurrent Neural Networks for Stability Analysis. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 8:1102-1107, 2024.
- Sunil Kumar, Sandeep Kumar Soni, Shyam Kamal, Mohamed Djemai. Observer Design for Multi-Output Systems With Predefined-Time Convergence. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 8:2175-2180, 2024.
- Emily J. Griffis, Omkar Sudhir Patil, Rebecca G. Hart, Warren E. Dixon. Lyapunov-Based Long Short-Term Memory (Lb-LSTM) Neural Network-Based Adaptive Observer. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 8:97-102, 2024.
- Hakan Köroglu. String-Stable Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control With Minimized Time Headway in the Face of Delayed Communication. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 8:400-405, 2024.
- Zikai Ouyang, Junwei Liu, Haibo Lu, Wei Zhang 0013. Unbounded Cooperative Pursuit Using a Linearized Safe-Reachable Set. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 8:109-114, 2024.
- Gustave Bainier, Benoît Marx, Jean Christophe Ponsart. Common Quadratic Lyapunov Functions for Sets of Second-Order Linear Systems: A Simple Graphical Criterion. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 8:1889-1894, 2024.
- Mallory E. Gaspard. Optimality of Motion Camouflage Under Escape Uncertainty. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 8:2613-2618, 2024.