Journal: Cognition, Technology & Work

Volume 10, Issue 1

1 -- 5Elie Fadier. Editorial of the special issue on Design process and human factors integration
7 -- 14Pierre Falzon. Enabling safety: issues in design and continuous design
15 -- 21Bernhard Wilpert. Psychology and human factors engineering
23 -- 30Peter Nickel, Friedhelm Nachreiner. Evaluation of presentation of information for process control operations
31 -- 39Pietro Carlo Cacciabue, F. Saad. Behavioural adaptations to driver support systems: a modelling and road safety perspective
41 -- 51Robin Foot, Ghislaine Doniol-Shaw. Questions raised on the design of the dead-man device installed on trams
53 -- 60John Fénix, Jean-Claude Sagot, Claude Valot, Samuel Gomes. Operator centred design: example of a new driver aid system in the field of rail transport
61 -- 68C. De la Garza, A. Weill-Fassina, M. Kaplan. Integrating human factors in freight interoperability safety design
69 -- 77Christine Chauvin, G. Le Bouar, C. Renault. Integration of the human factor into the design and construction of fishing vessels