Journal: Cognition, Technology & Work

Volume 9, Issue 4

177 -- 187Jennifer Tichon. The use of expert knowledge in the development of simulations for train driver training
189 -- 207L. Gerlich, Bernard N. Parsons, Anthony S. White, Stephen D. Prior, Peter Warner. Gesture recognition for control of rehabilitation robots
209 -- 218Robert Johnson, Simon Kent. Designing universal access: web-applications for the elderly and disabled
219 -- 231Kara Schultz, Pascale Carayon, Ann Schoofs Hundt, Scott R. Springman. Care transitions in the outpatient surgery preoperative process: facilitators and obstacles to information flow and their consequences
233 -- 251Nicolas Donin, Jacques Theureau. Theoretical and methodological issues related to long term creative cognition: the case of musical composition

Volume 9, Issue 3

127 -- 130Christopher P. Nemeth. Healthcare groups at work: further lessons from research into large-scale coordination
131 -- 137Sara Albolino, Richard Cook, Michael O Connor. Sensemaking, safety, and cooperative work in the intensive care unit
139 -- 148Christopher P. Nemeth, Mark Nunnally, Michael F. O Connor, Marian Brandwijk, Julie Kowalsky, Richard I. Cook. Regularly irregular: how groups reconcile cross-cutting agendas and demand in healthcare
149 -- 154Anne-Sophie Nyssen. Coordination in hospitals: organized or emergent process?
155 -- 162Emily S. Patterson, David D. Woods, Richard I. Cook, Marta L. Render. Collaborative cross-checking to enhance resilience
163 -- 170Robert L. Wears, Shawna J. Perry, Stephanie Wilson, Julia Galliers, James Fone. Emergency department status boards: user-evolved artefacts for inter- and intra-group coordination
171 -- 176Yan Xiao, Sara B. Kiesler, Colin F. Mackenzie, Marina Kobayashi, Cheryl L. Plasters, F. Jacob Seagull, Susan R. Fussell. Negotiation and conflict in large scale collaboration: a preliminary field study

Volume 9, Issue 2

51 -- 66Anne Miller, Yan Xiao. Multi-level strategies to achieve resilience for an organisation operating at capacity: a case study at a trauma centre
67 -- 80Cato Alexander Bjørkli, Kjell Ivar Øvergård, Bjarte Knappen Røed, Thomas Hoff. Control situations in high-speed craft operation
81 -- 98Klaus Christoffersen, David D. Woods, George T. Blike. Discovering the events expert practitioners extract from dynamic data streams: the modified unit marking technique
99 -- 108Hari Thiruvengada, Ling Rothrock. Time windows-based team performance measures: a framework to measure team performance in dynamic environments
109 -- 126Martin E. Müller. Being aware: where we think the action is

Volume 9, Issue 1

1 -- 4Christopher P. Nemeth. Groups at work: lessons from research into large-scale coordination
5 -- 13Björn Johansson, Erik Hollnagel. Pre-requisites for large scale coordination
15 -- 24Colin F. Mackenzie, Peter Fu-Ming Hu, Carsten Fausboll, Michael Nerlich, Thomas Benner, David Gagliano, Warren Whitlock, David Lam, Yan Xiao. Challenges to remote emergency decision-making for disasters or Homeland Security
25 -- 31Laura G. Militello, Emily S. Patterson, Lynn Bowman, Robert Wears. Information flow during crisis management: challenges to coordination in the emergency operations center
33 -- 38Jill Ritter, Joseph B. Lyons, Stephanie D. Swindler. Large-scale coordination: developing a framework to evaluate socio-technical and collaborative issues
39 -- 49Philip J. Smith, Amy L. Spencer, Charles E. Billings. Strategies for designing distributed systems: case studies in the design of an air traffic management system