Journal: Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing

Volume 19, Issue 2

95 -- 110Larry S. Davis, Amar Mitiche. MITES (mit-æs): A model-driven, iterative texture segmentation algorithm
111 -- 128Wallace S. Rutkowski. Recognition of occluded shapes using relaxation
129 -- 147Donald Meagher. Geometric modeling using octree encoding
148 -- 164Georg Heygster. Rank filters in digital image processing
165 -- 178Anthony P. Reeves. The local median and other window operations on SIMD computers
179 -- 195A. Ikonomopoulos. An approach to edge detection based on the direction of edge elements
196 -- 197Larry S. Davis. A structural analysis of complex aerial photographs : Makoto Nagao and Takashi Matsuyama. Plenum Press, New York, 1980. 199 pages