Journal: Discrete Applied Mathematics

Volume 154, Issue 11

1547 -- 1562Klaus Holzapfel, Sven Kosub, Moritz G. Maaß, Hanjo Täubig. The complexity of detecting fixed-density clusters
1563 -- 1569Joan Hutchinson, André Kündgen. Orthogonal art galleries with interior walls
1570 -- 1577Dimitri Kagaris. A similarity transform for linear finite state machines
1578 -- 1592Ton Kloks, Dieter Kratsch, Chuan-Min Lee, Jiping Liu. Improved bottleneck domination algorithms
1593 -- 1605Toufik Mansour, Eva Yu-Ping Deng, Rosena R. X. Du. Dyck paths and restricted permutations
1606 -- 1614Huifang Miao, Xiaofeng Guo. Lower and upper orientable strong radius and strong diameter of complete k-partite graphs
1615 -- 1621Young-Soo Myung. Multicommodity flows in cycle graphs
1622 -- 1632Zhizheng Zhang, Jun Wang. Bernoulli matrix and its algebraic properties
1633 -- 1639Stephen G. Hartke. The elimination procedure for the competition number is not optimal
1640 -- 1644Wenjun Xiao. Some results on diameters of Cayley graphs
1645 -- 1646Eckhard Steffen, Tomaz Pisanski, Marko Boben, Natasa Ravnik. Erratum to Reduction of symmetric configurations n::3:: [Discrete Appl. Math. 99 (1-3) (2000) 401 -411]