Journal: Discrete Applied Mathematics

Volume 154, Issue 3

437 -- 446Peter Butkovic, Karel Zimmermann. A strongly polynomial algorithm for solving two-sided linear systems in max-algebra
447 -- 451Vesa Halava, Tero Harju, Mika Hirvensalo. Positivity of second order linear recurrent sequences
452 -- 470Paola Bonizzoni, Clelia de Felice, Giancarlo Mauri, Rosalba Zizza. Linear splicing and syntactic monoid
471 -- 477Arthur H. Busch. A characterization of triangle-free tolerance graphs
478 -- 484Peter Damaschke. Randomized vs. deterministic distance query strategies for point location on the line
485 -- 492Célia Picinin de Mello, Aurora Morgana, M. Liverani. The clique operator on graphs with few ::::P::::::4:: s
493 -- 507Jean Diatta. Description-meet compatible multiway dissimilarities
508 -- 524Sun-Yuan Hsieh, Chin-Wen Ho, Tsan-sheng Hsu, Ming-Tat Ko. The Hamiltonian problem on distance-hereditary graphs
525 -- 536Chuan-Min Lee, Maw-Shang Chang. Distance-hereditary graphs are clique-perfect
537 -- 551Valery A. Liskovets. Exact enumeration of acyclic deterministic automata
552 -- 563Jaume Martí-Farré, Carles Padró. Secret sharing schemes on access structures with intersection number equal to one
564 -- 586Cécile Murat, Vangelis Th. Paschos. On the probabilistic minimum coloring and minimum ::::k::::-coloring
587 -- 593Victor J. W. Guo, Jiang Zeng. The number of convex polyominoes and the generating function of Jacobi polynomials
594 -- 597Sonoko Moriyama, Masahiro Hachimori. ::::h::::-Assignments of simplicial complexes and reverse search
598 -- 603Wei-Fan Wang. The ::::L::::(2, 1)-labelling of trees