Journal: Discrete Applied Mathematics

Volume 23, Issue 1

1 -- 10Thomas Andreae. A ternary search problem on graphs
11 -- 24Stefan Arnborg, Andrzej Proskurowski. Linear time algorithms for NP-hard problems restricted to partial k-trees
25 -- 31Larry Aupperle, J. Mark Keil. Polynomial algorithms for restricted Euclidean p-centre problems
33 -- 43W. Bucher. On the generation of powers by OS schemes
45 -- 53Peter Butkovic, Ján Plávka. On the dependence of the maximum cycle mean of a matrix on permutations of the rows and columns
55 -- 71Renato M. Capocelli, Ugo Vaccaro. Structure of decoders for multivalued encodings
73 -- 89Stanislaw Zdrzalka, Józef Grabowski. An algorithm for single machine sequencing with release dates to minimize maximum cost
91 -- 96Jean-Marc Champarnaud, Jean-Eric Pin. A maxmin problem on finite automata