Journal: Discrete Applied Mathematics

Volume 59, Issue 3

203 -- 214Lars Døvling Andersen, Herbert Fleischner. The NP-completeness of Finding A-trails in Eulerian Graphs and of Finding Spanning Trees in Hypergraphs
215 -- 224Michal Benelli, Refael Hassin. optimal Separable Partitioning in the Plane
225 -- 235Martin C. Carlisle, Errol L. Lloyd. on the K-coloring of Intervals
237 -- 266Yuri N. Sotskov, Natalia V. Shakhlevich. NP-hardness of Shop-scheduling Problems with Three Jobs
267 -- 283Ramjee P. Swaminathan, Donald K. Wagner. The Arborescence-realization Problem
285 -- 292Arthur T. Benjamin, Cherlyn Converse, Henry A. Krieger. How Do I Marry Thee? Let Me Count the Ways!
293 -- 298Marco Carpentieri. Some Democratic Secret Sharing Schemes