Journal: Discrete Applied Mathematics

Volume 80, Issue 1

3 -- 19Victor Chepoi, Michel Deza, Viatcheslav P. Grishukhin. Clin D oeil on L::1::-embeddable Planar Graphs
21 -- 35Peter Dankelmann. Average Distance and Domination Number
37 -- 56Curtis A. Barefoot, Roger C. Entringer, László A. Székely. Extremal Values for Ratios of Distances in Trees
57 -- 71Martin Juvan, Bojan Mohar, Janez Zerovnik. Distance-related Invariants on Polygraphs
73 -- 81. Wiener Number of Vertex-weighted Graphs and a Chemical Application
83 -- 96Wai Chee Shiu, Chong Sze Tong, Peter Che Bor Lam. Wiener Number of Hexagonal Jagged-rectangles
97 -- 105Henry Martyn Mulder. The Majority Strategy on Graphs
107 -- 113Lior Pachter. Constructing Status Injective Graphs
115 -- 0Manuel Duque-Antón. Constructing Efficient Simulated Annealing Algorithms
115 -- 0Dominique Barth, Marie-Claude Heydemann. A New Digraphs Composition with Applications to De Bruijn and Generalized De Bruijn Digraphs