Journal: Discrete Applied Mathematics

Volume 92, Issue 2-3

91 -- 110Ulrik Brandes, Wolfram Schlickenrieder, Gabriele Neyer, Dorothea Wagner, Karsten Weihe. A Software Package of Algorithms and Heuristics for Disjoint Paths in Planar Networks
111 -- 134Alberto Caprara, Juan José Salazar González. Separating Lifted Odd-hole Inequalities to Solve the Index Selection Problem
135 -- 147Soo Y. Chang, Hark-Chin Hwang. The Worst-case Analysis of the MULTIFIT Algorithm for Scheduling Nonsimultaneous Parallel Machines
149 -- 155Hikoe Enomoto, Miki Shimabara Miyauchi, Katsuhiro Ota. Lower Bounds for the Number of Edge-crossings Over the Spine in a Topological Book Embedding of a Graph
157 -- 175Jeffrey C. Jackson, Eli Shamir, Clara Shwartzman. Learning with Queries Corrupted by Classification Noise
177 -- 191Raffaele Mosca. Stable Sets in Certain P::6::-free Graphs
193 -- 203Mathieu Raffinot. Asymptotic Estimation of the Average Number of Terminal States in DAWGs
205 -- 209Jürgen Dassow, Gheorghe Paun. On the Regularity of Languages Generated by Context-free Evolutionary Grammars
211 -- 215Satoru Fujishige, Satoru Iwata. Minimizing a Submodular Function Arising From a Concave Function
217 -- 221Venkatesan Guruswami. Maximum Cut on Line and Total Graphs
223 -- 228Masahiro Miyakawa, Akihiro Nozaki, Grant Pogosyan, Ivo G. Rosenberg. A Map From the Lower-half of the n-cube Onto the (n-1)-cube Which Preserves Intersecting Antichains
229 -- 241Ján Plesník. Constrained Weighted Matchings and Edge Coverings in Graphs
243 -- 246René Sitters. A Short Proof of a Conjecture on the Tr-choice Number of Even Cycles
247 -- 251Gerhard J. Woeginger. Sensitivity Analysis for Knapsack Problems: Another Negative Result