Journal: Data Min. Knowl. Discov.

Volume 7, Issue 1

5 -- 22Jean-François Boulicaut, Artur Bykowski, Christophe Rigotti. Free-Sets: A Condensed Representation of Boolean Data for the Approximation of Frequency Queries
23 -- 56Minos N. Garofalakis, Aristides Gionis, Rajeev Rastogi, S. Seshadri, Kyuseok Shim. XTRACT: Learning Document Type Descriptors from XML Document Collections
57 -- 79Jeremy Kepner, Rita Kim. Cluster Detection in Databases: The Adaptive Matched Filter Algorithm and Implementation
81 -- 99Won Y. Kim, Byoung-Ju Choi, Eui Kyeong Hong, Soo-Kyung Kim, Doheon Lee. A Taxonomy of Dirty Data
101 -- 113Art B. Owen. Data Squashing by Empirical Likelihood