Journal: Distributed Computing

Volume 16, Issue 4

249 -- 262Michael Ben-Or, Ran El-Yaniv. Resilient-optimal interactive consistency in constant time
263 -- 268Shing-Tsaan Huang, Ying-Sung Huang, Su-Shen Hung. Alternators on uniform rings of odd size
269 -- 277Shlomi Dolev, Frank A. Stomp. Safety assurance via on-line monitoring
279 -- 286Paolo Boldi, Sebastiano Vigna. Lower bounds for sense of direction in regular graphs
287 -- 306Walter Cazzola. Remote method invocation as a first-class citizen
307 -- 327Philip D. MacKenzie, Michael K. Reiter. Delegation of cryptographic servers for capture-resilient devices

Volume 16, Issue 2-3

69 -- 70Hagit Attiya, Sergio Rajsbaum. Introduction
71 -- 74Nancy A. Lynch. Some perspectives on PODC
75 -- 110James H. Anderson, Yong-Jik Kim, Ted Herman. Shared-memory mutual exclusion: major research trends since 1986
111 -- 120Cyril Gavoille, David Peleg. Compact and localized distributed data structures
121 -- 163Faith E. Fich, Eric Ruppert. Hundreds of impossibility results for distributed computing
165 -- 175James Aspnes. Randomized protocols for asynchronous consensus
177 -- 199Oded Goldreich. Cryptography and cryptographic protocols
201 -- 217Reino Kurki-Suonio. Action systems in incremental and aspect-oriented modeling
219 -- 237Leslie Lamport. Arbitration-free synchronization
239 -- 247Michael J. Fischer, Michael Merritt. Appraising two decades of distributed computing theory research

Volume 16, Issue 1

1 -- 20Eli Gafni, Leslie Lamport. Disk Paxos
21 -- 35Hirozumi Yamaguchi, Khaled El-Fakih, Gregor von Bochmann, Teruo Higashino. Protocol synthesis and re-synthesis with optimal allocation of resources based on extended Petri nets
37 -- 48Dahlia Malkhi, Michael Merritt, Michael K. Reiter, Gadi Taubenfeld. Objects shared by Byzantine processes
49 -- 68Yaron Minsky, Fred B. Schneider. Tolerating malicious gossip