Journal: Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Volume 43, Issue 2

303 -- 312Lin-peng Zhang, Ligong Wang 0001, Jiale Zhou. The Turán number of spanning star forests
313 -- 329Tijo James, Ambat Vijayakumar. Domination game: Effect of edge contraction and edge subdivision
331 -- 349Roland Lortz, Ingrid Mengersen. On the Ramsey numbers of non-star trees versus connected graphs of order six
351 -- 384Flor Aguilar-Campos, Gabriela Araujo-Pardo, Natalia García-Colín. Scaffold for the polyhedral embedding of cubic graphs
385 -- 399Arman Aashtab, Saieed Akbari, Maryam Ghanbari, Amitis Shidani. Vertex partitioning of graphs into odd induced subgraphs
401 -- 419Gyula Y. Katona, Kitti Varga. Strengthening some complexity results on toughness of graphs
421 -- 436Tanja Dravec, Andrej Taranenko. Daisy Hamming graphs
437 -- 444Jianhua Yin, Bing Wang. s, t
445 -- 455Devin C. Jean, Suk Jai Seo. Optimal error-detecting open-locating-dominating set on the infinite triangular grid
457 -- 462Shimon Kogan. A note on forcing 3-repetitions in degree sequences
463 -- 486Neeta Shinde, Smruti Mane, Baloo Waphare. Identifying codes in the direct product of a path and a complete graph
487 -- 498Peter Dankelmann, Jane Morgan, Emily Rivett-Carnac. Metric dimension and diameter in bipartite graphs
499 -- 506John Haslegrave. Countable graphs are majority 3-choosable
507 -- 532Irene Sciriha, Luke Collins. The walks and CDC of graphs with the same main eigenspace
533 -- 547Sergey Kitaev, Artem V. Pyatkin. On semi-transitive orientability of triangle-free graphs
549 -- 572Dániel Gerbner. Generalized Turán problems for small graphs
573 -- 581Ngo Dac Tan. A decomposition for digraphs with minimum outdegree 3 having no vertex disjoint cycles of different lengths