Journal: EURO J. Computational Optimization

Volume 1, Issue 3-4

219 -- 0Bernard Fortz, Luis Gouveia. SI on computational methods for network optimization problems
221 -- 252Andreas Bley, Ivana Ljubic, Olaf Maurer. Lagrangian decompositions for the two-level FTTx network design problem
253 -- 281Grit Claßen, Arie M. C. A. Koster, Anke Schmeink. Speeding up column generation for robust wireless network planning
283 -- 312Mounira Groiez, Guy Desaulniers, Ahmed Hadjar, Odile Marcotte. Separating valid odd-cycle and odd-set inequalities for the multiple depot vehicle scheduling problem

Volume 1, Issue 1-2

1 -- 2Martine Labbé, M. Grazia Speranza. Editorial
3 -- 49Egon Balas, Andrea Qualizza. Intersection cuts from multiple rows: a disjunctive programming approach
51 -- 69Florent Cadoux, Claude Lemaréchal. Reflections on generating (disjunctive) cuts
71 -- 80Mathieu Van Vyve, Laurence A. Wolsey. Strong and compact relaxations in the original space using a compact extended formulation
81 -- 115Ruslan Sadykov, François Vanderbeck. Column generation for extended formulations
117 -- 142Patrice Marcotte, Gilles Savard, Alexandre Schoeb. A hybrid approach to the solution of a pricing model with continuous demand segmentation
143 -- 153L. N. Vicente. Worst case complexity of direct search
155 -- 180Dorit S. Hochbaum, Cheng Lyu, Erik Bertelli. Evaluating performance of image segmentation criteria and techniques
181 -- 199Mustapha Aouchiche, Gilles Caporossi, Pierre Hansen. Open problems on graph eigenvalues studied with AutoGraphiX
201 -- 218Menal Guzelsoy, George L. Nemhauser, Martin W. P. Savelsbergh. Restrict-and-relax search for 0-1 mixed-integer programs