Journal: Experimental Mathematics

Volume 5, Issue 4

257 -- 273Henk Boender, Herman J. J. te Riele. Factoring Integers with Large-Prime Variations of the Quadratic Sieve
275 -- 290Philippe Cassou-Noguès, Arnaud Jehanne. Formes primitives et représentations galoisiennes de type octaédral
291 -- 295Marc Deléglise, Joël Rivat. Computing the Summation of the Möbius Function
297 -- 315David Bernard Alper Epstein, Anthony R. lano-Fletcher, Uri Zwick. Growth Functions and Automatic Groups
317 -- 325David Ford, Kenneth W. Johnson. Determinants of Latin Squares of Order 8
327 -- 336Clifford A. Reiter. Attractors with the Symmetry of the n-Cube

Volume 5, Issue 3

163 -- 195Gabriele Nebe. 24(Q)
197 -- 209Stathis Tompaidis. Approximation of Invariant Surfaces by Periodic Orbits in High-Dimensional Maps: Some Rigorous Results
211 -- 230Stathis Tompaidis. Numerical Study of Invariant Sets of a Quasiperiodic Perturbation of a Symplectic Map
231 -- 253R. Marije Elkenbracht-Huizing. An Implementation of the Number Field Sieve

Volume 5, Issue 2

83 -- 89Peter Paule. A Proof of a Conjecture of Knuth
91 -- 100Graeme L. Cohen, Herman J. J. te Riele. Iterating the Sum-of-Divisors Function
101 -- 110Francis Buekenhout, Michel Dehon, Dimitri Leemans. ll Based on Maximal Subgroups
111 -- 117Matthew J. Appel, Paul S. Bourdon, John J. Thrall. Norms of Composition Operators on the Hardy Space
119 -- 130Stéfane Fermigier. Étude expérimentale du rang de families de courbeselliptiques sur Q
131 -- 137Neil J. Calkin, Steven R. Finch. Conditions on Periodicity for Sum-Free Sets
139 -- 159John H. Conway, Ronald H. Hardin, Neil J. A. Sloane. Packing Lines, Planes, etc.: Packings in Grassmannian Spaces

Volume 5, Issue 1

3 -- 0David Epstein, Silvio Levy. Message from the Editors
3 -- 14Louis Granboulan. 24
15 -- 32Audrey A. Terras. Survey of Spectra of Laplacians on Finite Symmetric Spaces
33 -- 37Carlos Gutierrez, Francesco Mercuri, Federico Sánchez-Bringas. On a Conjecture of Carathéodoryr Analyticity Versus Smoothness
39 -- 47Wilhelm Plesken, Bernd Souvignier. Constructing Rational Representations of Finite Groups
49 -- 56Derek F. Holt, Sarah Rees. Free Quotients of Finitely Presented Groups
57 -- 80Fritz Grunewald, Wolfgang Huntebrinker. A Numerical Study of Eigenvalues of the Hyperbolic Laplacian for Polyhedra with One Cusp