Journal: Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science

Volume 192, Issue 3

1 -- 2Vincent Danos, Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini. Preface
3 -- 22Davide Ancona, Sonia Fagorzi, Elena Zucca. A Parametric Calculus for Mobile Open Code
23 -- 37Giorgio Bacci, Marino Miculan. Undecidability of Model Checking in Brane Logic
39 -- 58Vincent Danos, Ellie D Hondt. Classical Knowledge for Quantum Cryptographic Reasoning
59 -- 70Ian Mackie, Shinya Sato. A Calculus for Interaction Nets Based on the Linear Chemical Abstract Machine
71 -- 83Simon Perdrix. A Hierarchy of Quantum Semantics
85 -- 100Anne Crumière, Paul Ruet. Spatial Differentiation and Positive Circuits in a Discrete Framework

Volume 192, Issue 2

1 -- 2Giovanni Di Crescenzo, Refik Molva. Preface
3 -- 15Vanesa Daza, Javier Herranz, Paz Morillo, Carla Ràfols. Ad-Hoc Threshold Broadcast Encryption with Shorter Ciphertexts
17 -- 29Nouha Oualha, Yves Roudier. Securing Ad Hoc Storage through Probabilistic Cooperation Assessment
31 -- 41Keith M. Martin, Maura B. Paterson. An Application-Oriented Framework for Wireless Sensor Network Key Establishment

Volume 192, Issue 1

1 -- 3Rob J. van Glabbeek, Matthew Hennessy. Preface
5 -- 11Pawel Sobocinski. A Well-behaved LTS for the Pi-calculus: (Abstract)
13 -- 28David de Frutos-Escrig, Carlos Gregorio-Rodríguez. Simulations Up-to and Canonical Preorders: (Extended Abstract)
29 -- 44Patrick Cousot, Radhia Cousot. Bi-inductive Structural Semantics: (Extended Abstract)
45 -- 60Harald Fecher, Heiko Schmidt. Process Algebra Having Inherent Choice: Revised Semantics for Concurrent Systems
61 -- 75Jesper Bengtson, Joachim Parrow. A Completeness Proof for Bisimulation in the pi-calculus Using Isabelle
77 -- 92Astrid Kiehn. An Operational Semantics for Shared Messaging Communication
93 -- 108Iain Phillips, Irek Ulidowski. Reversibility and Models for Concurrency
109 -- 124Mohammad Reza Mousavi, Michel A. Reniers. A Congruence Rule Format with Universal Quantification
125 -- 141Traian-Florin Serbanuta, Grigore Rosu, José Meseguer. A Rewriting Logic Approach to Operational Semantics (Extended Abstract)