Journal: European Journal of Operational Research

Volume 192, Issue 3

707 -- 716Jack P. C. Kleijnen. Kriging metamodeling in simulation: A review
717 -- 729Vyacheslav Kalashnikov, Claudia Kemfert, Vitaly Kalashnikov. Conjectural variations equilibrium in a mixed duopoly
730 -- 736B. T. Kien, M. M. Wong, N.-C. Wong, J. C. Yao. Degree theory for generalized variational inequalities and applications
737 -- 743C. Fulga, V. Preda. Nonlinear programming with E-preinvex and local E-preinvex functions
744 -- 754Dirk Briskorn. Combinatorial properties of strength groups in round robin tournaments
755 -- 766Arild Hoff, Irina Gribkovskaia Sr., Gilbert Laporte, Arne Løkketangen. Lasso solution strategies for the vehicle routing problem with pickups and deliveries
767 -- 781Sergey Polyakovsky, Rym M Hallah. An agent-based approach to the two-dimensional guillotine bin packing problem
782 -- 792Kazuki Matsumoto, Hiroyoshi Miwa, Toshihide Ibaraki. Scheduling of corrugated paper production
793 -- 807Martin Bischoff, Kerstin Dächert. Allocation search methods for a generalized class of location-allocation problems
808 -- 823Luis A. San-José, Juan García-Laguna. Optimal policy for an inventory system with backlogging and all-units discounts: Application to the composite lot size model
824 -- 836Zhendong Pan, Jiafu Tang, Richard Y. K. Fung. Synchronization of inventory and transportation under flexible vehicle constraint: A heuristics approach using sliding windows and hierarchical tree structure
837 -- 851Hongsuk Yang, Linus Schrage. Conditions that cause risk pooling to increase inventory
852 -- 865Renato de Matta, Emmanuel Peters. Developing work schedules for an inter-city transit system with multiple driver types and fleet types
866 -- 878Dario Bauso, Laura Giarré, Raffaele Pesenti. Distributed consensus in noncooperative inventory games
879 -- 890Tao Huang, Ruiqing Zhao, Wansheng Tang. Risk model with fuzzy random individual claim amount
891 -- 903Rafael Guillermo García Cáceres, Julián Arturo Aráoz Durand, Fernando Palacios Gómez. Integral analysis method - IAM
904 -- 917Joseph G. Szmerekovsky, Jiang Zhang. Pricing and two-tier advertising with one manufacturer and one retailer
918 -- 928Margaret F. Shipley, Madeline Johnson. A fuzzy approach for selecting project membership to achieve cognitive style goals
929 -- 948Yugang Yu, Feng Chu, Haoxun Chen. A Stackelberg game and its improvement in a VMI system with a manufacturing vendor
949 -- 962Chiang Kao. Efficiency decomposition in network data envelopment analysis: A relational model
963 -- 974Jordi Castro. A stochastic programming approach to cash management in banking
975 -- 980Pei-wang Gao. Options strategies with the risk adjustment
981 -- 1000Xiao-Feng Shao, Jian-Hua Ji. Effects of sourcing structure on performance in a multiple-product assemble-to-order supply chain
1001 -- 1007Jan Brinkhuis. A linear programming proof of the second order conditions of non-linear programming
1008 -- 1013T. C. Edwin Cheng, Bertrand M. T. Lin. Johnson s rule, composite jobs and the relocation problem
1014 -- 1026Saralees Nadarajah, Samuel Kotz. Models for purchase frequency

Volume 192, Issue 2

349 -- 373Nils Boysen, Malte Fliedner, Armin Scholl. Sequencing mixed-model assembly lines: Survey, classification and model critique
374 -- 381Dolf Talman, Zaifu Yang. A discrete multivariate mean value theorem with applications
382 -- 395U. K. Bhattacharya. A chance constraints goal programming model for the advertising planning problem
396 -- 413Adriana C. F. Alvim, Éric D. Taillard. POPMUSIC for the point feature label placement problem
414 -- 428Steve Ah kioon, Akif Asil Bulgak, Tolga Bektas. Integrated cellular manufacturing systems design with production planning and dynamic system reconfiguration
429 -- 441Birger Raa, El Houssaine Aghezzaf. A practical solution approach for the cyclic inventory routing problem
442 -- 459Mohammad Modarres, Mehdi Sharifyazdi. Revenue management approach to stochastic capacity allocation problem
460 -- 467Mohamed Anis Allouche, Belaïd Aouni, Jean-Marc Martel, Taïcir Loukil, Abdelwaheb Rebaï. Solving multi-criteria scheduling flow shop problem through compromise programming and satisfaction functions
468 -- 478Nesa Ilich. A matching algorithm for generation of statistically dependent random variables with arbitrary marginals
479 -- 486Eduardo Siqueira Brick, Eduardo Uchoa. A facility location and installation of resources model for level of repair analysis
487 -- 499Francesc Carreras, Maria Dolors Llongueras, María Albina Puente. Partnership formation and binomial semivalues
500 -- 511Gianfranco Guastaroba, Renata Mansini, Maria Grazia Speranza. On the effectiveness of scenario generation techniques in single-period portfolio optimization
512 -- 520Seong Jong Joo. Scheduling preventive maintenance for modular designed components: A dynamic approach
521 -- 537Sumei Zhang, Jean-Michel Guldmann. Estimating suppressed data in regional economic databases: A goal-programming approach
538 -- 548Céline Mousset. Families of relations modelling preferences under incomplete information
549 -- 560Carlo Alberto Magni. Correct or incorrect application of CAPM? Correct or incorrect decisions with CAPM?
561 -- 575Stephen Mahar, Kurt M. Bretthauer, M. A. Venkataramanan. The value of virtual pooling in dual sales channel supply chains
576 -- 593Sunil Agrawal, Raghu Nandan Sengupta, Kripa Shanker. Impact of information sharing and lead time on bullwhip effect and on-hand inventory
594 -- 602Polychronis Manousopoulos, Michalis Michalopoulos. Comparison of non-linear optimization algorithms for yield curve estimation
603 -- 620Alejandro Balbás, Raquel Balbás, Silvia Mayoral. Portfolio choice and optimal hedging with general risk functions: A simplex-like algorithm
621 -- 633Cheryl T. Druehl, Glen M. Schmidt, Gilvan C. Souza. The optimal pace of product updates
634 -- 646T. Heikkinen, K. Pietola. Investment and the dynamic cost of income uncertainty: The case of diminishing expectations in agriculture
647 -- 657. When does data envelopment analysis outperform a naïve efficiency measurement model?
658 -- 667Timo Kuosmanen, Reza Kazemi Matin. Theory of integer-valued data envelopment analysis
668 -- 676Marie-Laure Bougnol, José H. Dulá. Anchor points in DEA
677 -- 691Dharma Lesmono, Elliot Tonkes, Kevin Burrage. Opportunistic timing and manipulation in Australian Federal Elections
700 -- 705Takeo Yamada, Takahiro Takeoka. An exact algorithm for the fixed-charge multiple knapsack problem

Volume 192, Issue 1

1 -- 17Wade D. Cook, Lawrence M. Seiford. Data envelopment analysis (DEA) - Thirty years on
18 -- 28Konstantinos N. Androutsopoulos, Konstantinos G. Zografos. Solving the multi-criteria time-dependent routing and scheduling problem in a multimodal fixed scheduled network
29 -- 40M. Teresa Costa, A. Miguel Gomes, José F. Oliveira. Heuristic approaches to large-scale periodic packing of irregular shapes on a rectangular sheet
41 -- 55Marc Demange, Tinaz Ekim, Dominique de Werra. A tutorial on the use of graph coloring for some problems in robotics
56 -- 68S. Kameshwaran, Y. Narahari. Nonconvex piecewise linear knapsack problems
69 -- 78Thomas W. Archibald, D. Black, Kevin D. Glazebrook. An index heuristic for transshipment decisions in multi-location inventory systems based on a pairwise decomposition
79 -- 92K. Skouri, I. Konstantaras, S. Papachristos, I. Ganas. Inventory models with ramp type demand rate, partial backlogging and Weibull deterioration rate
93 -- 104Jose A. Ventura, Brian Q. Rieksts. Optimal location of dwell points in a single loop AGV system with time restrictions on vehicle availability
105 -- 115Zhaowei Miao, Andrew Lim, Hong Ma. Truck dock assignment problem with operational time constraint within crossdocks
116 -- 124Wanbo Lu, Tzong-Ru Tsai. Interval censored sampling plans for the gamma lifetime model
138 -- 150Hakan Tarakci, Kwei Tang, Sunantha Teyarachakul. Learning effects on maintenance outsourcing
151 -- 172Wei Feng, Masataka Umemura. Analysis of a finite buffer model with two servers and two nonpreemptive priority classes
173 -- 197Ralf Caers, Cindy Du Bois, Marc Jegers, Sara De Gieter, Rein De Cooman, Roland Pepermans. A micro-economic perspective on manager selection in nonprofit organizations
198 -- 208Boaz Golany, Edward H. Kaplan, Abraham Marmur, Uriel G. Rothblum. Nature plays with dice - terrorists do not: Allocating resources to counter strategic versus probabilistic risks
209 -- 215Simone Farinelli, Manuel Ferreira, Damiano Rossello, Markus Thoeny, Luisa Tibiletti. Optimal asset allocation aid system: From one-size vs tailor-made performance ratio
216 -- 235Lara Khansa, Divakaran Liginlal. Valuing the flexibility of investing in security process innovations
236 -- 242Tommi Tervonen, José Rui Figueira, Risto Lahdelma, Juscelino Almeida Dias, Pekka Salminen. A stochastic method for robustness analysis in sorting problems
243 -- 252H. S. Wang. A two-phase ant colony algorithm for multi-echelon defective supply chain network design
253 -- 264W. J. Hurley. Equitable birthdate categorization systems for organized minor sports competition
265 -- 276Konstantin Kogan, Charles S. Tapiero. Optimal co-investment in supply chain infrastructure
277 -- 292Yong Liu, Michael J. Fry, Amitabh S. Raturi. Retail price markup commitment in decentralized supply chains
293 -- 301Jarunee Wonglimpiyarat. The influence of capital market laws and initial public offering (IPO) process on venture capital
302 -- 312Ertunga C. Özelkan, Metin Çakanyildirim. Reverse bullwhip effect in pricing
313 -- 325Indranil Bose. Bandwidth packing with priority classes
326 -- 332Rudy Setiono, Bart Baesens, Christophe Mues. A note on knowledge discovery using neural networks and its application to credit card screening
333 -- 342Elina Rönnberg, Torbjörn Larsson. Column generation in the integral simplex method
343 -- 347Chin-Chia Wu, Wen-Chiung Lee. A note on the total completion time problem in a permutation flowshop with a learning effect