- Katharina Hölzle, Matthias Aust, Steffen Braun. Putting the Human First and Second: Challenges of Building a Human-Centred Industrial Metaverse. ERCIM News, 2024(137), 2024.
- Marco Callieri, Daniela Giorgi, Andrea Maggiordomo, Gianpaolo Palma. Creating High-quality 3D Assets for Realistic XR Solutions. ERCIM News, 2024(137), 2024.
- Zoltán Ságodi, Péter Hegedüs, Rudolf Ferenc. Increased Software Security with Large Language Models. ERCIM News, 139(138), 2024.
- Stylianos Mystakidis. Towards Passion-driven Learning in Extended Reality with Meaningful Gamification and Escape Room Games. ERCIM News, 2024(137), 2024.
- Chara Tsoukala, Georgios Paraskevopoulos, Athanasios Katsamanis. Revolutionising Theatre Archives: Using Large Language Models to Interact with Structured Archival Content. ERCIM News, 2024(136), 2024.
- George Tambouratzis. ChatGPT Multilingual Querying Consistency - A Test Case. ERCIM News, 2024(136), 2024.
- Philipp Lämmel, Stephan Borgert, Lisa Brunzel, Paul L. Darius. AI-based Anomaly Detection for Data-driven Decisions in Secure Smart Cities. ERCIM News, 2024(138), 2024.
- Peter Kieseberg, Christoph Kaltenriner, Peter Gallistl. Challenges for the Secure Integration of Drones into Warehouse Logistics of SMEs. ERCIM News, 139(138), 2024.
- Dave Raggett. Open Standards for the Immersive Web. ERCIM News, 2024(137), 2024.
- Barbara Geyer, Rita Stampfl, Elisabeth Hauser. Chatbots & Socrates: Dialogues in Learning. ERCIM News, 2024(136), 2024.