Journal: Formal Asp. Comput.

Volume 28, Issue 6

909 -- 935Thai Son Hoang, Steve Schneider, Helen Treharne, David M. Williams. Foundations for using linear temporal logic in Event-B refinement
937 -- 1004Marcel Vinicius Medeiros Oliveira, Pedro Antonino, Rodrigo Ramos, Augusto Sampaio, Alexandre Cabral Mota, A. W. Roscoe. Rigorous development of component-based systems using component metadata and patterns
1005 -- 1026Jesús Aransay, Jose Divasón. Formalisation of the computation of the echelon form of a matrix in Isabelle/HOL
1027 -- 1056Ryan F. Kirwan, Alice Miller, Bernd Porr. Model checking learning agent systems using Promela with embedded C code and abstraction
1057 -- 1078Ian J. Hayes. Generalised rely-guarantee concurrency: an algebraic foundation