Journal: Finite Fields and Their Applications

Volume 10, Issue 2

133 -- 158Miriam Abdón, Arnaldo Garcia. On a characterization of certain maximal curves
159 -- 167Alphonse Baartmans, Joseph L. Yucas. Caps in the projective geometry PG(n, 4)
168 -- 182Yves Edel, Jürgen Bierbrauer. Caps of order 3q:::2::: in affine 4-space in characteristic 2
183 -- 197Masaaki Harada, Akihiro Munemasa, Kenichiro Tanabe. Extremal self-dual [40, 20, 8] codes with covering radius 7
198 -- 220Enric Nart, Daniel Sadornil. Hyperelliptic curves of genus three over finite fields of even characteristic
221 -- 269Nicholas M. Katz. Notes on G::2::, determinants, and equidistribution