Journal: First Monday

Volume 16, Issue 11

0 -- 0Brian Wentz, Paul T. Jaeger, Jonathan Lazar. Retrofitting accessibility: The legal inequality of after-the-fact online access for persons with disabilities in the United States
0 -- 0Gabe Ignatow, Jessica Lynn Schuett. Inter-organizational digital divide: Civic groups' media strategies in the Trinity River Corridor Project
0 -- 0Steven J. Jackson, Alok Vimawala. Tightening the Net: Intellectual property micro-regimes and peer-to-peer practice in higher education networks
0 -- 0Danah Boyd, Eszter Hargittai, Jason Schultz, John Palfrey. Why parents help their children lie to Facebook about age: Unintended consequences of the 'Children's Online Privacy Protection Act'
0 -- 0Paul T. Jaeger, John Carlo Bertot, Christine M. Kodama, Sarah M. Katz, Elizabeth J. DeCoster. Describing and measuring the value of public libraries: The growth of the Internet and the evolution of library value
0 -- 0Jan Michael Nolin. Boundaries of research disciplines are paper constructs: Digital Web-based information as a challenge to disciplinary research