Journal: First Monday

Volume 19, Issue 5

0 -- 0Aaron Delwiche. Scanner tags, comic book piracy and participatory culture
0 -- 0Mei-Yuit Chan, Shameem Rafik-Galea, Ngee-Thai Yap. Hidden participation in the public sphere: Understanding Malaysian university students' public discourse practices in cyberspace
0 -- 0Patryk Galuszka, Victor Bystrov. The rise of fanvestors: A study of a crowdfunding community
0 -- 0David Pettersen. Beyond choices: The design of ethical gameplay
0 -- 0Michael Stephens, David Wedaman, Ellen Freeman, Alison Hicks, Gail Matthews-DeNatale, Diane Wahl, Lisa Spiro. Academic 15: Evaluating library and IT staff responses to disruption and change in higher education
0 -- 0Muhammad Adnan, Paul A. Longley, Shariq M. Khan. Social dynamics of Twitter usage in London, Paris, and New York City
0 -- 0Francisco Paulo Jamil Almeida Marques, Jakson Alves de Aquino, Edna Miola. Congressmen in the age of social network sites: Brazilian representatives and Twitter use
0 -- 0Shawna Kelly, Bonnie A. Nardi. Playing with sustainability: Using video games to simulate futures of scarcity