Journal: Foundations of Computational Mathematics

Volume 19, Issue 3

485 -- 559Daniel Paulin, Ajay Jasra, Dan Crisan, Alexandros Beskos. Optimization Based Methods for Partially Observed Chaotic Systems
561 -- 589Sheehan Olver, Yuan Xu. Orthogonal Structure on a Wedge and on the Boundary of a Square
591 -- 621Simon Abelard, Pierrick Gaudry, Pierre-Jean Spaenlehauer. Improved Complexity Bounds for Counting Points on Hyperelliptic Curves
623 -- 651Joris van der Hoeven. Effective Power Series Computations
653 -- 701Alexis Arnaudon, Darryl D. Holm, Stefan Sommer. A Geometric Framework for Stochastic Shape Analysis
703 -- 773Marco Mondelli, Andrea Montanari. Fundamental Limits of Weak Recovery with Applications to Phase Retrieval