Journal: Fuzzy Sets and Systems

Volume 132, Issue 2

135 -- 146Jin Myung Won, Sang Y. Park, Jin S. Lee. Parameter conditions for monotonic Takagi-Sugeno-Kang fuzzy system
147 -- 171K. M. Chow, Ahmad B. Rad. On-line fuzzy identification using genetic algorithms
173 -- 188Alexandre Evsukoff, Antonio C. S. Branco, Sylvie Galichet. Structure identification and parameter optimization for non-linear fuzzy modeling
189 -- 199Dan Simon. Training fuzzy systems with the extended Kalman filter
201 -- 216Yunfei Zhou, Shuijin Li, Rencheng Jin. A new fuzzy neural network with fast learning algorithm and guaranteed stability for manufacturing process control
217 -- 231N. Xiong, Lothar Litz. Reduction of fuzzy control rules by means of premise learning - method and case study
233 -- 243Samuel H. Huang, Hao Xing. Extract intelligible and concise fuzzy rules from neural networks
245 -- 260Hamed Peyravi, Abdollah Khoei, Khayrollah Hadidi. Design of an analog CMOS fuzzy logic controller chip
261 -- 272Davide Falchieri, Alessandro Gabrielli, Enzo Gandolfi. Very fast rate 2-input fuzzy processor for high energy physics