Journal: Fundamenta Informaticae

Volume 22, Issue 4

309 -- 329David Eppstein, Gary L. Miller, Shang-Hua Teng. A Deterministic Linear Time Algorithm for Geometric Separators and its Applications
331 -- 352Christian Icking, Rolf Klein, Ngoc-Minh Lê, Lihong Ma. Convex Distance Functions in 3-Space are Different
353 -- 370David G. Kirkpatrick, Jack Snoeyink. Tentative Prune-and-Search for Computing Fixed-Points with Applications to Geometric Computation
371 -- 384Marshall W. Bern. Compatible Tetrahedralizations
385 -- 394Noga Alon, Sridhar Rajagopalan, Subhash Suri. Long Non-Crossing Configurations in the Plane

Volume 22, Issue 3

203 -- 215Mikhail Moshkov. About the Depth of Decision Trees Computing Boolean Functions
217 -- 226Jürgen Dassow, Gheorghe Paun, Sorina Vicolov. On the Generative Capacity of Certain Classes of Cooperating Grammar Systems
227 -- 255Jürgen Dix. A Classification Theory of Semantics of Normal Logic Programs: I. Strong Properties
257 -- 288Jürgen Dix. A Classification Theory of Semantics of Normal Logic Programs: II. Weak Properties
289 -- 298Roman M. Kolpakov. On the Complexity of Generation of Rational Numbers by Boolean Functions
299 -- 306Pierpaolo Degano, Leonarda Raffoni. Fairness and Priority

Volume 22, Issue 1/2

3 -- 22Andrea Asperti. Linear Logic, Comonads and Optimal Reduction
23 -- 52Karl Heinz Hofmann, Michael W. Mislove. All Compact Hausdorff Lambda Models are Degenerate
53 -- 67Joachim Lambek. Cut Elimination for Classical Bilinear Logic
69 -- 92Giuseppe Longo. Parametric and Type-Dependent Polymorphism
93 -- 116Michael W. Mislove, Frank J. Oles. Adjunctions Between Categories of Domains
117 -- 152Eugenio Moggi. A Semantics for Evaluation Logic
153 -- 166György E. Révész. Categorical Combinations with Explicit Products
167 -- 185Eugene W. Stark. An Algebra of Dataflow Networks
187 -- 202Eric G. Wagner, Wafaa Khalil, Robert F. C. Walters. Fix-point Semantics for Programs in Distributive Categories