Journal: Graphs and Combinatorics

Volume 24, Issue 5

405 -- 411Armen S. Asratian, Carl Johan Casselgren. On Path Factors of (3, 4)-Biregular Bigraphs
413 -- 428Sheshayya A. Choudum, T. Karthick, M. A. Shalu. Linear Chromatic Bounds for a Subfamily of 3 ::::K:::: ::1::-free Graphs
429 -- 442Mohammad Ghebleh, Luis A. Goddyn, Ebadollah S. Mahmoodian, Maryam Verdian-Rizi. Silver Cubes
443 -- 451Jiangyan Guo, Elkin Vumar. On the Circumference of 2-Connected ::::P::::::3::/mathcal{P}_{3}-Dominated Graphs
453 -- 459Xinmin Hou, Michelle Edwards. Paired Domination Vertex Critical Graphs
461 -- 468Adrian Kosowski, Michal Malafiejski, Pawel Zylinski. Tighter Bounds on the Size of a Maximum ::::P::::::3::-Matching in a Cubic Graph
469 -- 483Kenta Ozeki, Tomoki Yamashita. A Degree Sum Condition Concerning the Connectivity and the Independence Number of a Graph
485 -- 494Jácint Szabó. Packing Trees with Constraints on the Leaf Degree