Journal: Graphs and Combinatorics

Volume 17, Issue 4

589 -- 598Etsuko Bannai. Bose-Mesner Algebras Associated with Four-Weight Spin Models
599 -- 605Gary Chartrand, David Erwin, Michael Raines, Ping Zhang. The Decomposition Dimension of Graphs
607 -- 610Klaus Dohmen. A Note on Narushima s Principle of Inclusion-Exclusion on Partition Lattices
611 -- 635Feng Ming Dong, Khee Meng Koh, Kee L. Teo. Structures and Chromaticity of Extremal 3-Colourable Sparse Graphs
637 -- 645Marcel Erné, Jürgen Reinhold. Embedding Structures
647 -- 657Zhicheng Gao, Jorge Urrutia, Jianyu Wang. Diagonal Flips in Labelled Planar Triangulations
659 -- 680Stanislav Jendrol, Peter J. Owens. On Light Graphs in 3-Connected Plane Graphs Without Triangular or Quadrangular Faces
681 -- 685Hao Li. A Generalization of the Gallai-Roy Theorem
687 -- 706MingChu Li. Hamiltonian Cycles in Almost Claw-Free Graphs
707 -- 716Hiroshi Nakano. On a Distance-Regular Graph of Even Height with k::e::= k::f::
717 -- 728János Pach, Rephael Wenger. Embedding Planar Graphs at Fixed Vertex Locations
729 -- 740Oleg Pikhurko. Uniform Families and Count Matroids
741 -- 744Romeo Rizzi. Excluding a Simple Good Pair Approach to Directed Cuts
745 -- 757Cláudia Linhares Sales, Frédéric Maffray, Bruce A. Reed. Recognizing Planar Strict Quasi-Parity Graphs
759 -- 773Zsolt Tuza, Annegret Wagler. Minimally Non-Preperfect Graphs of Small Maximum Degree
775 -- 784Liming Xiong. The Hamiltonian Index of a Graph

Volume 17, Issue 3

409 -- 434Guantao Chen, Bing Wei, Xuerong Zhang. Degree-Light-Free Graphs and Hamiltonian Cycles
435 -- 456Celina M. Herrera de Figueiredo, Frédéric Maffray, Oscar Porto. On the Structure of Bull-Free Perfect Graphs, 2: the Weakly Chordal Case
457 -- 461H. L. Fu, Christopher A. Rodger. Four-Cycle Systems with Two-Regular Leaves
463 -- 471Zoltán Füredi, Douglas B. West. Ramsey Theory and Bandwidth of Graphs
473 -- 477Gregory Gutin, Anders Yeo. Solution of a Conjecture of Volkmann on the Number of Vertices in Longest Paths and Cycles of Strong Semicomplete Multipartite Digraphs
479 -- 500Ryan B. Hayward. Bull-Free Weakly Chordal Perfectly Orderable Graphs
501 -- 509M. Kano, Haruhide Matsuda. Partial Parity (g, ?f )-Factors and Subgraphs Covering Given Vertex Subsets
511 -- 515Keiko Kotani. Factors and Connected Induced Subgraphs
517 -- 528Raffaele Mosca. A Property About Minimum Edge- and Minimum Clique-Cover of a Graph
529 -- 537Seiya Negami, Atsuhiro Nakamoto. Triangulations on Closed Surfaces Covered by Vertices of Given Degree
539 -- 553Alex D. Scott. On Induced Subgraphs with All Degrees Odd
555 -- 564Zhiren Sun, Feng Tian, Bing Wei. Degree Sums, Connectivity and Dominating Cycles in Graphs
565 -- 577Zhiren Sun, Feng Tian, Bing Wei. Long Cycles Passing Through a Specified Edge in 3-Connected Graphs
579 -- 587Raphael Yuster. Large Monotone Paths in Graphs with Bounded Degree

Volume 17, Issue 2

193 -- 197G. K. Bennett, Mike J. Grannell, Terry S. Griggs. Bi-Embeddings of Steiner Triple Systems of Order 15
199 -- 206Darryn E. Bryant. On the Oberwolfach Problem with Two Similar Length Cycles
207 -- 212Mingjang Chen, Gerard J. Chang. Families of Graphs Closed Under Taking Powers
213 -- 225Hongbing Fan, Yu-Liang Wu, C. K. Wong. On Fixed Edges and Edge-Reconstruction of Series-Parallel Networks
227 -- 236David C. Fisher, David R. Guichard, J. Richard Lundgren, Sarah K. Merz, K. Brooks Reid. Domination Graphs with Nontrivial Components
237 -- 244Marisa Gutierrez. Intersection Graphs and the Clique Operator
245 -- 253Ervin Györi, Wilfried Imrich. On the Strong Product of a k-Extendable and an l-Extendable Graph
255 -- 264Jerzy Jaworski, Zbigniew Palka. Subgraphs of Random Match-Graphs
265 -- 274Leif K. Jørgensen. Vertex Partitions of K::4, 4::-Minor Free Graphs
275 -- 287Ákos Kisvölcsey. Exact Bounds on Cross-Intersecting Families
289 -- 294Marián Klesc. On the Crossing Numbers of Products of Stars and Graphs of Order Five
295 -- 306Ton Kloks, Dieter Kratsch, Haiko Müller. On the Structure of Graphs with Bounded Asteroidal Number
307 -- 314Cai Heng Li, Sanming Zhou. On Isomorphisms of Minimal Cayley Graphs and Digraphs
315 -- 328Barbara M. Maenhaut. On the Volume of 5-Cycle Trades
329 -- 341Daniel P. Sanders, Yue Zhao. On Improving the Edge-Face Coloring Theorem
343 -- 351Takao Ueda. An Enhanced Arimoto Theorem on Threshold Transformations
353 -- 363J. F. Weng. Steiner Trees on Curved Surfaces
365 -- 388Pou-Lin Wu. On Large Circuits in Matroids

Volume 17, Issue 1

1 -- 9Ahmed Ainouche, Mekkia Kouider. Cycles in Partially Square Graphs
11 -- 16Noga Alon, Vanessa Teague, Nicholas C. Wormald. Linear Arboricity and Linear k-Arboricity of Regular Graphs
17 -- 38Bruce L. Bauslaugh. List-Compactness of Infinite Directed Graphs
39 -- 54Elizabeth J. Billington, Dean G. Hoffman. Trades and Graphs
55 -- 59Darryn E. Bryant, Saad El-Zanati, Charles Vanden Eynden, Dean G. Hoffman. Star Decompositions of Cubes
61 -- 71Yaojun Chen, Feng Tian, Bing Wei. Degree Sums and Path-Factors in Graphs
73 -- 78Zoltán Füredi. Maximal t-Critical Linear Hypergraphs
79 -- 97Khee Meng Koh, Eng Guan Tay. On Optimal Orientations of Cartesian Products of Trees
99 -- 111Yaakov S. Kupitz, Horst Martini. From Intersectors to Successors
113 -- 121Aung Kyaw. A Sufficient Condition for a Graph to Have a k-tree
123 -- 128Yusheng Li, Cecil C. Rousseau, Wenan Zang. Asymptotic Upper Bounds for Ramsey Functions
129 -- 133Ko-Wei Lih, Li-Da Tong, Jing-Ho Yan. On Cycle Sequences
135 -- 148Sean McGuinness. Colouring Arcwise Connected Sets in the Plane II
149 -- 169Arlene A. Pascasio. Tight Distance-Regular Graphs and the Q-Polynomial Property
171 -- 175Marian Trenkler. Super-Magic Complete k-Partite Hypergraphs
177 -- 183Hong Wang 0022. On Independent Cycles in a Bipartite Graph
185 -- 192Jerzy Wojdylo. An Inextensible Association Scheme Associated with a 4-regular Graph