Journal: Games and Economic Behavior

Volume 50, Issue 1

1 -- 2Edi Karni, Andrew Postlewaite. David Schmeidler
3 -- 27Werner Hildenbrand, Alois Kneip. Aggregate behavior and microdata
28 -- 41Edi Karni. Subjective expected utility theory with costly actions
42 -- 57Ehud Lehrer. Updating non-additive probabilities - a geometric approach
58 -- 78Richard P. McLean, Andrew Postlewaite. Core convergence with asymmetric information
79 -- 88Ram Orzach, Yair Tauman. Strategic dropouts
89 -- 106Dov Samet, Zvi Safra. A family of ordinal solutions to bargaining problems with many players
107 -- 125Peter P. Wakker. Decision-foundations for properties of nonadditive measures: general state spaces or general outcome spaces
127 -- 0Peyton Young. Proposals to host the Third World Congress of the Game Theory Society