Journal: Government Information Quarterly

Volume 31, Issue Supplement-1

0 -- 0Peter Conradie, Sunil Choenni. On the barriers for local government releasing open data
0 -- 0Lei Zheng, Tuo Zheng. Innovation through social media in the public sector: Information and interactions
0 -- 0Djoko Sigit Sayogo, Theresa A. Pardo, Peter A. Bloniarz. Information flows and smart disclosure of financial data: A framework for identifying challenges of cross boundary information sharing
0 -- 0Seok-Jin Eom, Jun Houng Kim. The adoption of public smartphone applications in Korea: Empirical analysis on maturity level and influential factors
0 -- 0Devender Maheshwari, Marijn Janssen. Reconceptualizing measuring, benchmarking for improving interoperability in smart ecosystems: The effect of ubiquitous data and crowdsourcing
0 -- 0Gabriel Puron Cid. Factors for a successful adoption of budgetary transparency innovations: A questionnaire report of an open government initiative in Mexico
0 -- 0Olusesan Michael Awoleye, Blessing Ojuloge, Mathew O. Ilori. Web application vulnerability assessment and policy direction towards a secure smart government
0 -- 0Taewoo Nam, Theresa A. Pardo. The changing face of a city government: A case study of Philly311
0 -- 0Natalie Greene Taylor, Paul T. Jaeger, Ursula Gorham, John Carlo Bertot, Ruth Lincoln, Elizabeth Larson. The circular continuum of agencies, public libraries, and users: A model of e-government in practice
0 -- 0José Ramón Gil-García, Natalie Helbig, Adegboyega Ojo. Being smart: Emerging technologies and innovation in the public sector
0 -- 0Alberto Savoldelli, Cristiano Codagnone, Gianluca Misuraca. Understanding the e-government paradox: Learning from literature and practice on barriers to adoption
0 -- 0Kincho H. Law, Gloria T. Lau, Shawn Kerrigan, Julia A. Ekstrom. REGNET: Regulatory information management, compliance and analysis
0 -- 0Jungwoo Lee, Hyejung Lee. Developing and validating a citizen-centric typology for smart city services

Volume 31, Issue 4

503 -- 505Jing Zhang, Luis F. Luna-Reyes, Sehl Mellouli. Transformational digital government
506 -- 512Eric W. Welch, Mary K. Feeney. Technology in government: How organizational culture mediates information and communication technology outcomes
513 -- 525Teresa M. Harrison, Djoko Sigit Sayogo. Transparency, participation, and accountability practices in open government: A comparative study
526 -- 533Girish J. Gulati, Christine B. Williams, David J. Yates. Predictors of on-line services and e-participation: A cross-national comparison
534 -- 544Chih Hao Ku, Gondy Leroy. A decision support system: Automated crime report analysis and classification for e-government
545 -- 555Luis F. Luna-Reyes, José Ramón Gil-García. Digital government transformation and internet portals: The co-evolution of technology, organizations, and institutions
556 -- 562Jean-Patrick Villeneuve. Transparency of Transparency: The pro-active disclosure of the rules governing Access to Information as a gauge of organisational cultural transformation. The case of the Swiss transparency regime
563 -- 573Kyujin Jung, Han Woo Park. Citizens' social media use and homeland security information policy: Some evidences from Twitter users during the 2013 North Korea nuclear test
574 -- 583Nilay Yavuz, Eric W. Welch. Factors affecting openness of local government websites: Examining the differences across planning, finance and police departments
584 -- 595Zhao Huang, Morad Benyoucef. Usability and credibility of e-government websites
596 -- 609Lucio Lamberti, Michele Benedetti, Shan Chen. Benefits sought by citizens and channel attitudes for multichannel payment services: Evidence from Italy
610 -- 621Fang Wang. Explaining the low utilization of government websites: Using a grounded theory approach
622 -- 630Andrew Whitmore. Using open government data to predict war: A case study of data and systems challenges
631 -- 636Hui Zhang, Xiaolin Xu, Jianying Xiao. Diffusion of e-government: A literature review and directions for future directions
637 -- 652Tung-Mou Yang, Theresa A. Pardo, Yi-Jung Wu. How is information shared across the boundaries of government agencies? An e-Government case study
653 -- 659Yueping Zheng, Hindy Lauer Schachter, Marc Holzer. The impact of government form on e-participation: A study of New Jersey municipalities
660 -- 668Juan-Gabriel Cegarra-Navarro, Alexeis Garcia-Perez, José-Luis Moreno-Cegarra. Technology knowledge and governance: Empowering citizen engagement and participation
669 -- 680Viswanath Venkatesh, Hartmut Hoehle, Ruba Aljafari. A usability evaluation of the Obamacare website
681 -- 682Mahshid Niknahad. The New Digital Age: Transforming Nations, Businesses, and Our Lives, First Edition, Eric Schmidt, Jared Cohen. Vintage Books, New York (March 2014), 351, ISBN: 9780307947055
682 -- 0Helena Marvin. Big Data in Libraries: Content and Policies for Librarians. Sponsored by the Government Documents Special Interest Group at the Metropolitan New York Library Council, October 24th, 2013. Fall 2013 Program, http: //
683 -- 0Susanne Caro. Dataviva [website]. Governo de Minas Gerais. Cidade Administrativa, Rodovia Prefeito Américo Gianetti, S/N° Serra Verde, Belo Horizonte, MG-CEP 31630-9012013. 2013. Retrieved 9/18/2014 from http: //

Volume 31, Issue 3

349 -- 357Panagiotis Panagiotopoulos, Alinaghi Ziaee Bigdeli, Steven Sams. Citizen-government collaboration on social media: The case of Twitter in the 2011 riots in England
358 -- 364Ralf Klischewski. When virtual reality meets realpolitik: Social media shaping the Arab government-citizen relationship
365 -- 378Rodrigo Sandoval-Almazán, José Ramón Gil-García. Towards cyberactivism 2.0? Understanding the use of social media and other information technologies for political activism and social movements
379 -- 387María Rosalía Vicente, Amparo Novo. An empirical analysis of e-participation. The role of social networks and e-government over citizens' online engagement
388 -- 395Jo Bates. The strategic importance of information policy for the contemporary neoliberal state: The case of Open Government Data in the United Kingdom
396 -- 410Jesper Holgersson, Fredrik Karlsson. Public e-service development: Understanding citizens' conditions for participation
411 -- 420Jeppe Agger Nielsen, Keld Pedersen. IT portfolio decision-making in local governments: Rationality, politics, intuition and coincidences
421 -- 431Bryce Clayton Newell. Technopolicing, surveillance, and citizen oversight: A neorepublican theory of liberty and information control
432 -- 442Yong Liu, Hongxiu Li, Vassilis Kostakos, Jorge Gonçalves, Simo Hosio, Feng Hu. An empirical investigation of mobile government adoption in rural China: A case study in Zhejiang province
443 -- 453Jang-Hyun Kim, Han Woo Park. Food policy in cyberspace: A webometric analysis of national food clusters in South Korea
454 -- 465Iryna Susha, Åke Grönlund. Context clues for the stall of the Citizens' Initiative: lessons for opening up e-participation development practice
466 -- 475Jarunee Wonglimpiyarat. Innovative policies to support technology and ICT development
476 -- 487Norman E. Youngblood. Revisiting Alabama state website accessibility
488 -- 497Brian Wentz, Jonathan Lazar, Michael Stein, Oluwadamilola Gbenro, Edwin Holandez, Andrew Ramsey. Danger, danger! Evaluating the accessibility of Web-based emergency alert sign-ups in the northeastern United States
498 -- 499Henry Owen III. Open Access Publishing and Citation Archives: Background and Controversy, Genevieve J. Knezo (Ed.). Washington, D.C., Congressional Research Service (December 12, 2006)
499 -- 0Linda Spiro. Customer Service.Gov: Technology Tools and Customer Service Principles for Innovative and Entrepreneurial Government, Bruce McClendon, Mac Birch, Ray Quay. Citygate Press, Folsom, CA (2013), ISBN: 978-0615808178
499 -- 500Alireza Isfandyari Moghaddam. E-government Success around the World: Cases, Empirical Studies, and Practical Recommendations, J. Ramon Gil-Garcia (Ed.). Information Science Reference (an Imprint of IGI Global), Hershey, PA (2013)
500 -- 501Katrina Stierholz. Federal Reserve History [website]: A Gateway for the Federal Reserve's Centennial. Administered by the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, PO Box 27622, Richmond, VA, 23261

Volume 31, Issue 2

211 -- 220Taewoo Nam. Determining the type of e-government use
221 -- 228Thomas Kohlborn. Quality assessment of service bundles for governmental one-stop portals: A literature review
229 -- 242Hans Jochen Scholl, Yogesh Kumar Dwivedi. Forums for electronic government scholars: Insights from a 2012/2013 study
243 -- 256Ibrahim H. Osman, Abdel Latef Anouze, Zahir Irani, Baydaa Al-Ayoubi, Habin Lee, Asim Balci, Tunç D. Medeni, Vishanth Weerakkody. COBRA framework to evaluate e-government services: A citizen-centric perspective
257 -- 264Staci M. Zavattaro, Arthur J. Sementelli. A critical examination of social media adoption in government: Introducing omnipresence
265 -- 277Beatriz Cuadrado-Ballesteros. The impact of functional decentralization and externalization on local government transparency
278 -- 290Natasa Veljkovic, Sanja Bogdanovic-Dinic, Leonid Stoimenov. Benchmarking open government: An open data perspective
291 -- 301Anne Marie Warren, Ainin Sulaiman, Noor Ismawati Jaafar. Social media effects on fostering online civic engagement and building citizen trust and trust in institutions
302 -- 316Jane Fedorowicz, Steve Sawyer, Christine B. Williams, M. Lynne Markus, Martin A. Dias, Michael Tyworth, Sonia Gantman, Dax D. Jacobson, Arthur P. Tomasino, Robert Schrier. Design observations for interagency collaboration
317 -- 326Cliff Lampe, Paul Zube, Jusil Lee, Chul-Hyun Park, Erik W. Johnston. Crowdsourcing civility: A natural experiment examining the effects of distributed moderation in online forums
327 -- 336Joydeep Guha, Bhaskar Chakrabarti. Making e-government work: Adopting the network approach
337 -- 344Dmitry Epstein, Mary J. Newhart, Rebecca Vernon. Not by technology alone: The "analog" aspects of online public engagement in policymaking
345 -- 346Barbara Miller. Project on Government Secrecy/Secrecy News. Federation of American Scientists, 1725 DeSales Street NW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20036-4413 (2014)
345 -- 0Ben Amata. FOIAonline (Freedom of Information Act)
346 -- 347Shannon L. Farrell. Turn Down the Heat: Climate Extremes, Regional Impacts, and the Case for Resilience. A Report for the World Bank by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Climate Analytics. World Bank, Washington, D.C. (2013)
347 -- 0David D. Oberhelman. Science and Public Reason, Sheila Jasanoff, in: The Earthscan Science in Society Series. Routledge, London and New York (2012), ISBN: 9780415524865

Volume 31, Issue 1

1 -- 3John A. Shuler, Paul T. Jaeger, John Carlo Bertot. Editorial: E-government without government
4 -- 5Luis Felipe Luna-Reyes, John Carlo Bertot, Sehl Mellouli. Open Government, Open Data and Digital Government
6 -- 16David Lorenzi, Jaideep Vaidya, Soon Ae Chun, Basit Shafiq, Vijayalakshmi Atluri. Enhancing the government service experience through QR codes on mobile platforms
17 -- 29Anneke Zuiderwijk, Marijn Janssen. Open data policies, their implementation and impact: A framework for comparison
30 -- 41Andrea L. Kavanaugh, Ankit Ahuja, Samah Gad, Sloane Neidig, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Naren Ramakrishnan, John Tedesco. (Hyper) local news aggregation: Designing for social affordances
42 -- 49Susan Copeland Wilson. e-Government legislation: Implementation issues for programs for low-income people
50 -- 52Sharon Strover, Stephen McDowell. Broadband Redux: 2013
53 -- 64Robert LaRose, Johannes M. Bauer, Kurt DeMaagd, Han Ei Chew, Wenjuan Ma, Yumi Jung. Public broadband investment priorities in the United States: an analysis of the broadband technology opportunities program
65 -- 77Martha Fuentes-Bautista. Rethinking localism in the broadband era: A participatory community development approach
78 -- 83Victor Glass, Joseph Prinzivalli, Stela Stefanova. Persistence of the middle mile problem for rural local exchange carriers
84 -- 89Victor Glass, Stela Stefanova, Joseph Prinzivalli. Zero-based budgeting: Does it make sense for universal service reform?
90 -- 99Alberto Nucciarelli, Bert M. Sadowski, Ernst-Olav Ruhle. Should next generation access networks fall within the scope of universal service? A European union perspective
100 -- 107Seamus Simpson. Next generation network environments in Europe - The significance of the EU as a policy actor
108 -- 118Janja Nograsek, Mirko Vintar. E-government and organisational transformation of government: Black box revisited?
119 -- 128Frank Bannister, Regina Connolly. ICT, public values and transformative government: A framework and programme for research
129 -- 136John T. Snead, Elisabeth Wright. E-government research in the United States
137 -- 149Hannu Larsson, Åke Grönlund. Future-oriented eGovernance: The sustainability concept in eGov research, and ways forward
150 -- 159Yuehua Wu. Protecting personal data in E-government: A cross-country study
160 -- 169Rex Arendsen, Oscar Peters, Marc J. ter Hedde, Jan van Dijk. Does e-government reduce the administrative burden of businesses? An assessment of business-to-government systems usage in the Netherlands
170 -- 184Bjarne Rerup Schlichter, Lesya Danylchenko. Measuring ICT usage quality for information society building
185 -- 194José María Moreno-Jiménez, Cristina Pérez-Espés, Manuela Velázquez. e-Cognocracy and the design of public policies
195 -- 207Gabriel Marcuzzo do Canto Cavalheiro, Luiz Antonio Joia. Towards a heuristic frame for transferring e-government technology
208 -- 0Debbie L. Rabina. Regulating code: Good governance and better regulation in the information age, Ian Brown, Christopher T. Marsden (Eds.). MIT Press, Cambridge, MA (2013)
208 -- 209Emily Keller. The network society, Jan Van Dijk. Sage, London (2012), ISBN: 978-1446248966
209 -- 0Julia Proctor. Administered by the White House, 1800 M Street NW, 9th Floor, Washington, DC 20036-5802
210 -- 0Jesse Silva. The dynamic internet: How technology, users, and business are transforming the network, Christopher Yoo. AEI Press, Washington, D.C. (2012), ISBN: 978-0844772271