Journal: Health Informatics Journal

Volume 17, Issue 1

5 -- 14M. J. Taylor, B. Matata, R. Stables, A. Laws, D. England, P. J. G. Lisboa. Issues in online patient self-reporting of health status
15 -- 23John Baba, Matthew R. Thompson, Robert G. Berger. Rounds reports: Early experiences of using printed summaries of electronic medical records in a large teaching medical hospital
33 -- 40Ya-Huei Wu, Véronique Faucounau, Mélodie Boulay, Marina Maestrutti, Anne-Sophie Rigaud. Robotic agents for supporting community-dwelling elderly people with memory complaints: Perceived needs and preferences
41 -- 50Qiang Xia, Janice L. Westenhouse, Alan F. Schultz, Atsuko Nonoyama, William Elms, Nancy Wu, Lisette Tabshouri, Juan D. Ruiz, Jennifer M. Flood. Matching AIDS and tuberculosis registry data to identify AIDS/tuberculosis comorbidity cases in California
51 -- 62Thomas Winman, Hans Rystedt. Electronic patient records in action: Transforming information into professionally relevant knowledge
63 -- 71Deborah Beranek Lafky, Thomas A. Horan. Personal health records: Consumer attitudes toward privacy and security of their personal health information
72 -- 88Jennifer Schneider, Amy Waterbury, Adrianne Feldstein, Jerena Donovan, William M. Vollmer, Joan Dubanoski, Shelley Clark, Cynthia Rand. Maximizing acceptability and usefulness of an automated telephone intervention: Lessons from a developmental mixed-methods approach