Journal: Health Informatics Journal

Volume 12, Issue 4

259 -- 273Ross Shegog, Leona K. Bartholomew, Marianna M. Sockrider, Danita I. Czyzewski, Susan Pilney, Patricia Dolan Mullen, Stuart L. Abramson. Computer-based decision support for pediatric asthma management: description and feasibility of the Stop Asthma Clinical System
274 -- 292Anjana Roy, Patty Kostkova, Michael Catchpole, Ewart Carson. Web-based provision of information on infectious diseases: a systems study
293 -- 303Nick Harrop, Trevor Wood-Harper, Alan Gillies. Neglected user perspectives in the design of an online hospital bed-state system: implications for the National Programme for IT in the NHS
304 -- 318Annalu Waller, Victoria Franklin, Claudia Pagliari, Stephen Greene. Participatory design of a text message scheduling system to support young people with diabetes

Volume 12, Issue 3

187 -- 198Patricia A. Abboud, Rose Ancheta, Michael McKibben, Brian R. Jacobs. Impact of workflow-integrated corollary orders on aminoglycoside monitoring in children
199 -- 211Siaw-Teng Liaw, Elizabeth Deveny, Iain Morrison, Bryn Lewis. Clinical, information and business process modeling to promote development of safe and flexible software
213 -- 225A. M. Bulgiba, M. H. Fisher. Using neural networks and just nine patient-reportable factors of screen for AMI
227 -- 237Lars Brabyn, Paul Beere. Population access to hospital emergency departments and the impacts of health reform in New Zealand
239 -- 254Ramesh Farzanfar. When computers should remain computers: a qualitative look at the humanization of health care technology

Volume 12, Issue 2

91 -- 92Anne Adams, Patty Kostkova. Special Issue on Digital Libraries
93 -- 105Timothy Miles-Board, Leslie Carr, Gary B. Wills, Guillermo Power, Christopher Bailey, Wendy Hall, Matthew Stenning, Simon Grange. Extending the role of a healthcare digital library environment to support orthopaedic research
107 -- 119Thorsten Möller, Heiko Schuldt, Andreas Gerber, Matthias Klusch. Next-generation applications in healthcare digital libraries using semantic service composition and coordination
121 -- 135Annika Hinze, George Buchanan, Doris Jung, Anne Adams. HDLalert - a healthcare DL alerting system: from user needs to implementation
137 -- 151Gemma Madle, Patty Kostkova, Jane Mani-Saada, Anjana Roy. Lessons learned from evaluation of the use of the National electronic Library of Infection
153 -- 164Karen Clarke, John Rooksby, Mark Rouncefield, Rob Procter, Roger Slack. Healthcare information giving services: technologies and everyday practicalities
165 -- 177Simon Attfield, Anne Adams, Ann Blandford. Patient information needs: pre- and post-consultation

Volume 12, Issue 1

5 -- 12Panagiotis D. Bamidis, Barry Eaglestone. Health information management: a retrospective account of a decade of iSHIMR events and highlights from iSHIMR2005
13 -- 25K. J. Day, A. C. Norris. Supporting information technology across health boards in New Zealand: themes emerging from the development of a shared services organization
27 -- 39Asma Al-Busaidi, Alex Gray, Nick J. Fiddian. Personalizing web information for patients: linking patient medical data with the web via a patient personal knowledge base
41 -- 48Kathleen B. Oliver, Nancy K. Roderer. Working towards the informationist
49 -- 64Caroline E. Brook, Peter A. Bath. An examination of the levels of confidence that consultants have in routinely collected clinical information
65 -- 79Dimitris Ballas, Graham P. Clarke, Danny Dorling, Jan Rigby, Ben Wheeler. Using geographical information systems and spatial microsimulation for the analysis of health inequalities
81 -- 87Miquel Angel Mayer, Vangelis Karkaletsis, Phil Archer, Pau Ruiz, Konstantinos Stamatakis, Angela Leis. Quality labelling of medical web content