Journal: Information & Management

Volume 55, Issue 4

407 -- 421Sepandar Sepehr, Milena M. Head. Understanding the role of competition in video gameplay satisfaction
422 -- 429Malcolm Townsend, Thanh Le Quoc, Gaurav Kapoor, Hao Hu, Wei Zhou 0001, Selwyn Piramuthu. Real-Time business data acquisition: How frequent is frequent enough?
430 -- 440Yunhui Huang, Changxin Li, Jiang Wu, Zhijie Lin. Online customer reviews and consumer evaluation: The role of review font
441 -- 449Quansheng Wang, Xue Yang 0001, Wanyu Xi. Effects of group arguments on rumor belief and transmission in online communities: An information cascade and group polarization perspective
450 -- 460Xuequn Wang, Sebastian Zander. Extending the model of internet standards adoption: A cross-country comparison of IPv6 adoption
461 -- 471Yi Ding. Modelling continued use of information systems from a forward-looking perspective: Antecedents and consequences of hope and anticipated regret
472 -- 481Mourad Touzani, Ahmed Anis Charfi, Philippe Boistel, Marie-Claire Niort. Connecto ergo sum! an exploratory study of the motivations behind the usage of connected objects
482 -- 493Xing Zhang, Shan Liu, Xing Chen, Lin Wang, Baojun Gao, Qing Zhu. Health information privacy concerns, antecedents, and information disclosure intention in online health communities
494 -- 507Sonia Camacho, Khaled Hassanein, Milena M. Head. Cyberbullying impacts on victims' satisfaction with information and communication technologies: The role of Perceived Cyberbullying Severity
508 -- 523Jose Benitez-Amado, Javier Llorens, Jessica Braojos. How information technology influences opportunity exploration and exploitation firm's capabilities