Journal: Information and Organization

Volume 20, Issue 3-4

133 -- 155Ryan J. Baxter, Nicholas Berente. The process of embedding new information technology artifacts into innovative design practices
156 -- 168Bendik Bygstad. Generative mechanisms for innovation in information infrastructures
169 -- 186Emad M. Kamhawi. The three tiers architecture of knowledge flow and management activities
187 -- 206Yutaka Yamauchi, E. Burton Swanson. Local assimilation of an enterprise system: Situated learning by means of familiarity pockets

Volume 20, Issue 2

81 -- 110Marisa D Mello, Thomas Hylland Eriksen. Software, sports day and sheera: Culture and identity processes within a global software organization in India
111 -- 132Netta Iivari. Discursive construction of user innovations in the open source software development context

Volume 20, Issue 1

1 -- 20Richard J. Boland, Mike Newman, Brian T. Pentland. Hermeneutical exegesis in information systems design and use
21 -- 43Eric Faÿ, Lucas D. Introna, François-Régis Puyou. Living with numbers: Accounting for subjectivity in/with management accounting systems
44 -- 63Sean Hansen, Julie Rennecker. Getting on the same page: Collective hermeneutics in a systems development team
64 -- 78Alexander Styhre. Organizing technologies of vision: Making the invisible visible in media-laden observations
79 -- 0Neil Pollock, Robin Williams, Luciana D Adderio, Christine Grimm. Corrigendum to Post local forms of repair: The (extended) situation of virtualised technical support [Information and Organization 19 (2009) 253-276]