Journal: Intell. Data Anal.

Volume 4, Issue 6

461 -- 0Fazel Famili. Editorial
463 -- 473Ninan Sajeeth Philip, K. Babu Joseph. Boosting the differences: A fast Bayesian classifier neural network
475 -- 488Joao Gama. Iterative Bayes
489 -- 511Rila Mandala, Takenobu Tokunaga, Hozumi Tanaka. Improving information retrieval system performance by combining different text-mining techniques
513 -- 530Jorge C. G. Ramirez, Diane J. Cook, Lynn L. Peterson, Dolores M. Peterson. An event set approach to sequence discovery in medical data
531 -- 547Yu-To Chen. An application of radial basis function networks in operation of home appliances

Volume 4, Issue 5

395 -- 0Fazel Famili. Editorial
397 -- 410Borisas Bursteinas, James Allen Long. Tree structured classifiers, interconnected data, and predictive accuracy
411 -- 420Rafael A. Calvo, H. Alejandro Ceccatto. Intelligent document classification
421 -- 431Yuhui Yao, Yan Qiu Chen, Lihui Chen. A novel similarity measure for data clustering
433 -- 444Te-Ming Tu, Pa-Yuan Chen. Determination of data dimensionality in hyperspectral imagery - A noise-adjusted transformed Derschgorin disk approach
445 -- 460Ivan Bruha, Pavel Kralik, Petr Berka. Genetic learner: Discretization and fuzzification of numerical attributes

Volume 4, Issue 3-4

183 -- 193Abdelhakim Ameur El Imrani, Abdelaziz Bouroumi, Mohamed Limouri, Abderrahmane Essaid. A coevolutionary genetic algorithm using fuzzy clustering
195 -- 211Iztok Savnik, Peter A. Flach. Discovery of multivalued dependencies from relations
213 -- 227Petri Kontkanen, Jussi Lahtinen, Petri Myllymäki, Tomi Silander, Henry Tirri. Supervised model-based visualization of high-dimensional data
229 -- 240Tom Brijs, Koen Vanhoof, Geert Wets. Reducing redundancy in characteristic rule discovery by using integer programming techniques
241 -- 253Abdelaziz Bouroumi, Mohamed Limouri, Abderrahmane Essaid. Unsupervised fuzzy learning and cluster seeking
255 -- 274K. M. Ho, Paul D. Scott. Reducing decision tree fragmentation through attribute value grouping: A comparative study
275 -- 288Yiannis S. Boutalis, Ioannis Andreadis, George D. Tambakis. A fast fuzzy K-nearest neighbour algorithm for pattern classification
289 -- 304Tzung-Pei Hong, Tzu-Ting Wang, Shyue-Liang Wang. Knowledge acquisition from quantitative data using the rough-set theory
305 -- 321Matej Sprogar, Peter Kokol, Spela Hleb Babic, Vili Podgorelec, Milan Zorman. Vector decision trees
323 -- 347Dimitrios Kalles, Athanassios Papagelis, Eirini Ntoutsi. Induction of decision trees in numeric domains using set-valued attributes
349 -- 362Sally I. McClean, Bryan W. Scotney, Mary Shapcott. Rule discovery for event histories
363 -- 374Ivan Bruha. From machine learning to knowledge discovery: Survey of preprocessing and postprocessing
375 -- 393Narate Lertpalangsunti, Christine W. Chan. An architectural framework for hybrid intelligent systems: Implementation issues

Volume 4, Issue 2

93 -- 95David J. Hand, Douglas H. Fisher, Michael R. Berthold. Advances in intelligent data analysis
97 -- 111Rob Potharst, Jan C. Bioch. Decision trees for ordinal classification
113 -- 128Arthur Flexer, Herbert Bauer. Monitoring human information processing via intelligent data analysis of EEG recordings
129 -- 147Xingang Huang, Feng Zhao. Relation-based aggregation: finding objects in large spatial datasets
149 -- 164Thomas Hofmann. ProbMap - A probabilistic approach for mapping large document collections
165 -- 179Bart J. A. Mertens, David J. Hand. Adjusted estimation for the combination of classifiers

Volume 4, Issue 1

3 -- 17Mohamed Quafafou, Moussa Boussouf. Generalized rough sets based feature selection
19 -- 28Luis Talavera. Dependency-based feature selection for clustering symbolic data
29 -- 49Shichao Zhang. A nearest neighborhood algebra for probabilistic databases
51 -- 66Tzung-Pei Hong, Shyue-Liang Wang. Determining appropriate membership functions to simplify fuzzy induction
67 -- 92Henrik André-Jönsson, Dushan Z. Badal. Indexing time series using signatures