Journal: IEE Proceedings - Software

Volume 11, Issue 5

207 -- 213Ludi Wang, Xiaoguang Zhou, Ying Xing, Mengke Yang, Chi Zhang. Clustering ECG heartbeat using improved semi-supervised affinity propagation
214 -- 220Nabila Shahid, Muhammad U. Ilyas, Jalal S. Alowibdi, Naif R. Aljohani. Word cloud segmentation for simplified exploration of trending topics on Twitter
221 -- 228Andreia Silva 0002, Plácido Rogério Pinheiro, Adriano Albuquerque, Jônatas Barroso. Evaluation of an approach to define elicitation guides of non-functional requirements
229 -- 238Wei Wang, Kevin Zhu, Hongwei Wang, Yen-Chun Jim Wu. The Impact of Sentiment Orientations on Successful Crowdfunding Campaigns through Text Analytics
239 -- 244Shivaswamy Rashmi, Anirban Basu. Resource optimised workflow scheduling in Hadoop using stochastic hill climbing technique
245 -- 255Marum Simão Filho, Plácido Rogério Pinheiro, Adriano Bessa Albuquerque. Task assignment to distributed teams aided by a hybrid methodology of verbal decision analysis
256 -- 264Michiel Meulendijk, Marco R. Spruit, Armel Lefebvre, Sjaak Brinkkemper. To what extent can prescriptions be meaningfully exchanged between primary care terminologies? A case study of four western European classification systems
265 -- 270Cuauhtémoc López Martín, Rosa Leonor Ulloa-Cazarez, Andres Garcia-Floriano. Support vector regression for predicting the productivity of higher education graduate students from individually developed software projects
270 -- 280Ana M. D. Moreira, Robert G. Clark. Adding rigour to object-oriented analysis
271 -- 276Brijesh B. Mehta, Udai Pratap Rao. k-anonymization approach using MapReduce
281 -- 292Neil A. M. Maiden, Alistair G. Sutcliffe. Analogical retrieval in reuse-oriented requirements engineering
293 -- 298Susan A. Sherer. Statistical software testing using economic exposure assessments
299 -- 306Bryan F. Jones, H.-H. Sthamer, David E. Eyres. Automatic structural testing using genetic algorithms
307 -- 319E. A. Giakoumakis, G. Xylomenos. Evaluation and selection criteria for software requirements specification standards