- Muath Surakji, Hani H. Al-dmour, Rand H. Al-Dmour. The Effects of Adoption of 3D Printing Technology on the Operational Performance of the Companies of Cross Border Entrepreneurs: An Empirical Study. IJ3DIM, 7(4):28-48, 2018.
- Paulo Guilherme Tabarro, Jacynthe Pouliot, Louis-Martin Losier, Richard Fortier. Detection and Location of Buried Infrastructures Using Ground Penetrating Radar: A New Approach Based on GIS and Data Integration. IJ3DIM, 7(2):57-77, 2018.
- Fransje Lucretia Hooimeijer, Ignace van Campenhout. Distributed Agency Between 2D and 3D Representation of the Subsurface. IJ3DIM, 7(2):35-56, 2018.
- Manuel Silverio-Fernandez, Renukappa Suresh, Subashini Suresh. Utilisation of Smart Devices in the Construction Industry: An Empirical Study in the Dominican Republic. IJ3DIM, 7(1):15-29, 2018.
- Sunitha Abburu, Suresh Babu Golla. CityGML LOD1 Model Development and Disseminating Through Region Based OGC WFS Requests. IJ3DIM, 7(3):1-24, 2018.
- Mustafa Nabi Kocakaya, Osman Hürol Türkakin, Ömer Giran. A Review of BIM Adoption in Turkey: Practitioners' Viewpoint. IJ3DIM, 7(4):59-68, 2018.
- Renas K. M. Sherko, Yusuf Arayici, Mike Kagioglou. BIM Enabled Approach for Performance-Based Design: Process, Renewable Technology, Design Rules and Assessment. IJ3DIM, 7(4):1-27, 2018.
- Angel Gigante-Barrera, Darshan Ruikar, Soroosh Sharifi, Kirti Ruikar. A Grounded Theory Based Framework for Level of Development Implementation Within the Information Delivery Manual. IJ3DIM, 7(1):30-48, 2018.
- Mohamed Marzouk, Nada Elmansy. Roadmapping BIM Implementation Processes Using IDEF0 Diagrams. IJ3DIM, 7(1):49-63, 2018.
- Rehan Jamil. Digital Elevation Modeling Analysis for Investigation of Gravity Hill Phenomena. IJ3DIM, 7(3):25-38, 2018.