Journal: IJAACS

Volume 16, Issue 6

513 -- 535Yanguang Cai, Gewen Huang, Yuanhang Qi, Helie Huang, Yunjian Xu. Memetic grey wolf optimiser algorithm for solving the cumulative CVRP
536 -- 551Lunzheng Tan, Guoluan Chen, Rui Ding, Limin Xia. Unsupervised learning of local features for person re-identification with loss function
552 -- 563Huajun Chen, Yanguang Cai. A discrete salp swarm algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with time windows
564 -- 583Mingyu Chen 0007, Chengsheng Yuan, Ying Lv. Fingerprint liveness detection approaches: a survey
584 -- 596Yuguang Ye. Detection of false data attacks in sensor networks based on the APIT location algorithm
597 -- 610Liming Wang, Wenxue Liu, Huichuan Liu. An optimal matching algorithm for e-commerce recommendation information based on matrix decomposition
611 -- 631Mingfang Jiang. Reversible data hiding algorithm in encrypted images using adaptive total variation and cross-cyclic shift