Journal: IJAACS

Volume 8, Issue 1

1 -- 22Ismael Bouassida Rodriguez, Jérôme Lacouture, Khalil Drira. Self-adaptive communication for collaborative mobile entities in ERCMS
23 -- 41Seemanti Saha, Saswat Chakrabarti, Sant Saran Pathak. TSK type self-organising online fuzzy equalisation to mitigate nonlinear power amplifier distortions in OFDM systems
42 -- 59Zuoyin Tang, Jianhua He, Yan Zhang, Zhong Fan. Achievable performance gain of IEEE 802.11 multi-rate link adaptation algorithm with cross-layer design
60 -- 80Daniel Merkle, Martin Middendorf, Alexander Scheidler. Task allocation in organic computing systems: networks with reconfigurable helper units
81 -- 96Hehua Yan, Caifeng Zou, JianQi Liu, Zhonghai Wang. Formal concept analysis and concept lattice: perspectives and challenges