Journal: Int. J. Approx. Reasoning

Volume 2, Issue 2

93 -- 0J. L. A. Chameau, James T. P. Yao. Guest editors preface
95 -- 0Salwa Ammar. A fuzzy set-theoretic approach to decision making
96 -- 97Paul J. Chang, Robert L. DeLaPaz, Ralph Bernstein, Jetendra V. Dave. Approximate fuzzy C-means (AFCM) cluster analysis of medical Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) data
96 -- 0A. Bardossy, I. Bogardi, W. E. Kelly. Fuzzy regression for electrical resistivity-hydraulic conductivity relationships
97 -- 0Stephen L. Chiu, Masaki Togai. A fuzzy logic programming environment for real-time control
97 -- 98Karen C. Chou. Reliability of existing framed structures using fuzzy sets
98 -- 0Rosanna Degani, Giovanni Bortolan. The problem of linguistic approximation in clinical decision making
98 -- 0Wei-Min Dong, Felix S. Wong. On fuzzy probabilities and interactive fuzzy variables
99 -- 0Didier Dubois, Henri Prade. On incomplete conjunctive information
99 -- 0Augustine O. Esogbue. Fuzzy medical diagnosis decision making revisited
99 -- 100Kenneth M. Ford, Frederick E. Petry. An approach to the automated acquisition of production rules
100 -- 101James A. Givens, Hossein Tahani. An improved method of performing fuzzy arithmetic for computer vision
100 -- 0Robin Giles. A utility-valued logic for decision making
101 -- 0Lawrence O. Hall. On the choice of ply operators for modus ponens generation in fuzzy intelligent systems
101 -- 0Nancy Green Hall. Field testing the STRATASSIST prototype
102 -- 0Can Isik. Inference engines for fuzzy rule-based control
102 -- 0Kenji Ikejima, Dan M. Frangopol. Risk assessment for gas pipelines using fuzzy sets
103 -- 104George J. Klir, Mark J. Wierman. On properties of the V uncertainty
103 -- 0C. Hsein Juang, S. N. Kalidindi. Development and implementation of a fuzzy system for bid tender evaluation on microcomputers
103 -- 0Cerry M. Klein, Sencer Yeralan. Network flow models with fuzzy auxiliary edge and vertex attributes
104 -- 105Asghar Nafarieh, James M. Keller. Incorporating confidence measures into fuzzy classifier
104 -- 0M. Luisa McAllister. An unusual property of a square matrix of fuzzy sets
105 -- 106Tadeusz Radecki. A comparison of fuzzy set theory and rough set theory in the context of automatic object classification
105 -- 0Hongjie Qiu, James M. Keller. Multiple spectral image segmentation using fuzzy techniques
106 -- 107Eugene I. RoventaAdrian Gulesiu. Fuzzy decisions in building investments
106 -- 0Singiresu S. Rao. Fuzzy sets approach to the design of engineering systems
107 -- 108J. C. Santamarina, J. L. A. Chameau. Decision making and fuzzy windows
107 -- 0Elke A. Rundensteiner, Lois Wright Hawkes, Wyllis Bandler. Set-valued temporal knowledge representation for fuzzy temporal retrieval in ICAI
108 -- 0Brian Schott, Thomas Whalen. Backward chaining with fuzzy goals and rules
108 -- 109Shahram Seyed, P. A. Ramamoorthy. A new concept of fuzzy rule-based expert systems
109 -- 0Adnan K. Shaout. On fuzzy graph searching
109 -- 0Marian S. Stachowicz, Maria E. Kochaska. Fuzzy process modeling
110 -- 0Massimo Squillante, Aldo G. S. Ventre. Extending features of the fuzzy integral
110 -- 0Minsoo Suk, Adnan K. Shaout. Matching attributed fuzzy graphs and applications in scene analysis
111 -- 112Maria Zemankova. Application of possibility theory to learning in knowledge-based systems with an imperfect teacher
111 -- 0L. D. Xu. Fuzzy multicriteria programming in economic systems analysis
113 -- 141Robin Giles. A utility-valued logic for decision making
143 -- 162Rosanna Degani, Giovanni Bortolan. The problem of linguistic approximation in clinical decision making
163 -- 175Stephen L. Chiu, Masaki Togai. A fuzzy logic programming environment for real-time control
177 -- 187Can Isik. Inference engines for fuzzy rule-based control