Journal: IJART

Volume 11, Issue 2

139 -- 152Nurul Hasanah, Gea Oswah Fatah Parikesit, Indraswari Kusumaningtyas. The relation between the depth of field and the visual fatigue caused by stereoscopic Wayang Kulit shadow images
153 -- 164Sardar S. Shareef, Guita Farivarsadri. The impact of colour and light on children with autism in interior spaces from an architectural point of view
165 -- 177Yan Wang, Jianping Chai, Mimi Zhang, Songzhu Zheng. A movie customer satisfaction index model based on structural equation model
178 -- 191Lizhi Xiong, Danping Dong. Reversible data hiding in encrypted images with public key cryptography: a review of its benefits and open issues
192 -- 218Min Ren, Wei He. Affective images of the top rails in China traditional rosewood chairs
219 -- 229Denis Trcek, Gasper Trcek. sonicLamination - from a concept to artistic binding of visual and sound domains by using advanced technology