Journal: Int. J. Comput. Math.

Volume 92, Issue 8

1520 -- 1535Ji-Jian Chin, Syh-Yuan Tan, Swee-Huay Heng, Raphael C.-W. Phan, Rouzbeh Behnia. A provable secure pairing-free certificateless identification scheme
1536 -- 1550Dohan Kim. Group-theoretical vector space model
1551 -- 1567Taha Ghasemi, Mohammadreza Razzazi. On capacitated covering with unit balls
1568 -- 1573Thomas W. Cusick. Permutation equivalence of cubic rotation symmetric Boolean functions
1574 -- 1590R. K. Mohanty, Weizhong Dai, Fei Han. A new high accuracy method for two-dimensional biharmonic equation with nonlinear third derivative terms: application to Navier-Stokes equations of motion
1591 -- 1607Bin Lin. Non-polynomial splines method for numerical solutions of the regularized long wave equation
1608 -- 1624Mohan K. Kadalbajoo, Alpesh Kumar, Lok Pati Tripathi. Application of the local radial basis function-based finite difference method for pricing American options
1625 -- 1642Yigui Ou, Yuanwen Liu. A memory gradient method for non-smooth convex optimization
1643 -- 1659R. C. Mittal, Harpreet Kaur, Vinod Mishra. Haar wavelet-based numerical investigation of coupled viscous Burgers' equation
1660 -- 1687Peng Wang, Detong Zhu. An affine-scaling derivative-free trust-region method for solving nonlinear systems subject to linear inequality constraints
1688 -- 1714Fatemeh Zarmehi, Ali Tavakoli. Construction of the matched multiple knot B-spline wavelets on a bounded interval
1715 -- 1728Mingxu Yi, Jun Huang. CAS wavelet method for solving the fractional integro-differential equation with a weakly singular kernel