Journal: IJCSM

Volume 3, Issue 1/2

3 -- 55N. S. Hoang, Alexander G. Ramm. DSM of Newton type for solving operator equations F(u) = f with minimal smoothness assumptions on F
56 -- 75N. S. Hoang. Dynamical Systems Method for solving nonlinear equations with locally Holder continuous monotone operators
76 -- 101Sapto W. Indratno, Alexander G. Ramm. Creating materials with a desired refraction coefficient: numerical experiments
102 -- 121M. I. Andriychuk, Alexander G. Ramm. Scattering by many small particles and creating materials with a desired refraction coefficient
122 -- 131B. Tomas Johansson. Determining the temperature from Cauchy data in corner domains
132 -- 141Miklos Horvath. Inequalities between the fixed-energy phase shifts
142 -- 167Fioralba Cakoni, Andreas Kirsch. On the interior transmission eigenvalue problem
168 -- 191Evgeny L. Korotyaev, Anton Kutsenko. Zigzag nanoribbons in external electric and magnetic fields