Journal: Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci.

Volume 25, Issue 3

247 -- 262Andrzej Pelc, Anas Tiane. Efficient Grid Exploration with a stationary Token
263 -- 274Jing Zhang, Xiaofan Yang, Cui Yu, Li He. The Congestion of generalized Cube Communication Pattern in Linear Array Network
275 -- 306Andrzej Ehrenfeucht, Grzegorz Rozenberg. Zoom Structures and reaction Systems Yield Exploration Systems
307 -- 330Yoshiyuki Yamamoto, Kouichi Hirata, Tetsuji Kuboyama. Tractable and Intractable variations of Unordered Tree Edit Distance
331 -- 342Nhat X. Lam, Min Kyung An, Dung T. Huynh, Trac N. Nguyen. Broadcast Scheduling Problem in SINR Model
343 -- 354Yu Zhou, Lin Wang, Weiqiong Wang, Xinfeng Dong, Xiaoni Du. n+3(n ≥ 3)
355 -- 368Amr Elmasry, Yung H. Tsin. On Finding Sparse Three-Edge-Connected and Three-Vertex-Connected Spanning subgraphs