Journal: Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci.

Volume 6, Issue 1

1 -- 10Ricardo A. Baeza-Yates, Patricio V. Poblete. Higher-Order Analysis of 2-3 Trees
11 -- 26Ilmir Kh. Musikaev, Michael A. Taitslin. Flat Backtracking Prolog for Databases: A Formal Semantics, the Computational Complexity and the Expressibility
27 -- 49Jaakko Hintikka, Gabriel Sandu. What is the Logic of Parallel Processing?
51 -- 66Miquel Monserrat, Francesc Rosselló, Joan Torrens. When is a Category of Many-Sorted Partial Algebras Cartesian-Closed?
67 -- 88James Haralambides, Spyros Tragoudas. Bipartitioning into Overlapping Sets
89 -- 94Sanjay Jain. An Infinite Class of Functions Identifiable Using Minimal Programs in all Kolmogorov Numberings