Journal: International Journal of Man-Machine Studies

Volume 72, Issue 3

275 -- 283Yathunanthan Sivarajah, Eun-Jung Holden, Roberto Togneri, Greg Price, Tele Tan. Quantifying target spotting performances with complex geoscientific imagery using ERP P300 responses
284 -- 297José Creissac Campos, Gavin J. Doherty, Michael D. Harrison. Analysing interactive devices based on information resource constraints
298 -- 319Luca Iandoli, Ivana Quinto, Anna De Liddo, Simon Buckingham Shum. Socially augmented argumentation tools: Rationale, design and evaluation of a debate dashboard
320 -- 336Daniela Petrelli, Simon Bowen, Steve Whittaker. Photo mementos: Designing digital media to represent ourselves at home
337 -- 348Luca Chittaro, Andrea Vianello. Computer-supported mindfulness: Evaluation of a mobile thought distancing application on naive meditators
349 -- 357Amur Almanji, T. Claire Davies, N. Susan Stott. Using cursor measures to investigate the effects of impairment severity on cursor control for youths with cerebral palsy
358 -- 365Roland Thomaschke, Carola Haering. Predictivity of system delays shortens human response time