- Olga Uflewska, T. C. Wong, Michael Ward. Capability management of manufacturing research centres: challenges and opportunities. IJMTM, 38(2):143-171, 2024.
- Nguyen Khac Minh, Phung Mai Lan. Reallocation and imported technology: evidence from Vietnam manufacturing sector. IJMTM, 38(2):126-142, 2024.
- Hubert Wittke, Alan Ryan, Ann Ledwith, Mark Southern. Process innovation - the blind spot in product innovation. Development of a generic framework for the front-end in process innovation. IJMTM, 38(3):189-212, 2024.
- Marcos Vido, Salvatore Digiesi, Francesco Facchini, Wagner Cezar Lucato. Collaborative robots in small and medium-sized enterprises: a field-based feasibility model. IJMTM, 38(3):265-282, 2024.
- Valerie Rocchi, Daniel Brissaud, Arko Steinwender, Arnaud Bocquillon. Technological and organisational factors to succeed in Industry 4.0 transition implementation: an empirical study. IJMTM, 38(3):213-235, 2024.
- Geng Chen, Quzhi Huang. An image detail enhancement of smart product UI interface based on stationary wavelet transform. IJMTM, 38(1):66-80, 2024.
- Wang Cheng. Path coordination scheduling method of handling robot considering three-dimensional cargo space of intelligent warehouse. IJMTM, 38(1):14-26, 2024.
- Christopher J. Kelly, Richard A. Wysk, Ola L. A. Harrysson, Russell E. King, Brandon M. McConnell. Automatic feature-based inspection and qualification for additively manufactured parts with critical tolerances. IJMTM, 38(3):236-264, 2024.
- Linyan Pan. Dexterity control of multi-arm sorting robot based on machine learning. IJMTM, 38(1):81-94, 2024.
- Jinrong Li. An intelligent buffer capacity allocation method for flexible production lines based on conjugate Bayes estimation. IJMTM, 38(1):40-50, 2024.