Journal: IJPOP

Volume 4, Issue 2

1 -- 24Steve Goschnick, Leon Sterling, Liz Sonenberg. Modelling Human Activity in People-Oriented Programming with Metamodels
25 -- 53Maheswaree Kissoon Curumsing, Antonio A. Lopez-Lorca, Tim Miller, Leon Sterling, Rajesh Vasa. Viewpoint Modelling with Emotions: A Case Study
54 -- 70Birgit Bomsdorf, Rainer Blum, Daniel Künkel. Towards ProGesture, a Tool Supporting Early Prototyping of 3D-Gesture Interaction

Volume 4, Issue 1

5 -- 32Michael Kölling. Lessons from the Design of Three Educational Programming Environments: Blue, BlueJ and Greenfoot
33 -- 49Antonio Rizzo, Francesco Montefoschi, Sara Ermini, Giovanni Burresi. UDOO App Inventor: Introducing Novices to the Internet of Things
50 -- 55Steve Goschnick. App Review: ScratchJr (Scratch Junior)