Journal: INFORMS Journal on Computing

Volume 3, Issue 4

267 -- 268Harvey J. Greenberg. Editor s Introduction
269 -- 274Peter J. Stuckey. Incremental Linear Constraint Solving and Detection of Implicit Equalities
275 -- 287Peter C. Fetterolf, G. Anandalingam. Optimizing Interconnections of Local Area Networks: An Approach Using Simulated Annealing
288 -- 298Peter J. Downey. Bounding Synchronization Overhead for Parallel Iteration
299 -- 306Jeffery L. Kennington, Zhiming Wang. An Empirical Analysis of the Dense Assignment Problem: Sequential and Parallel Implementations
307 -- 316Zbigniew Michalewicz, George A. Vignaux, Matthew Hobbs. A Nonstandard Genetic Algorithm for the Nonlinear Transportation Problem
317 -- 329Benjamin Melamed. TES: A Class of Methods for Generating Autocorrelated Uniform Variates
330 -- 344Jerzy W. Rozenblit, Yueh-Min Huang. Rule-Based Generation of Model Structures in Multifaceted Modeling and System Design
345 -- 357Gary J. Koehler. Linear Discriminant Functions Determined by Genetic Search
358 -- 375Joobin Choobineh. SQLMP: A Data Sublanguage for Representation and Formulation of Linear Mathematical Models
376 -- 384Gerhard Reinelt. TSPLIB - A Traveling Salesman Problem Library

Volume 3, Issue 3

179 -- 0Harvey J. Greenberg. Editor s Introduction
180 -- 206Christopher V. Jones. An Introduction to Graph-Based Modeling Systems, Part II: Graph-Grammars and the Implementation
207 -- 212J. Ben Rosen, Guoliang Xue. Computational Comparison of Two Algorithms for the Euclidean Single Facility Location Problem
213 -- 225Lawrence J. Osborne, Billy E. Gillett. A Comparison of Two Simulated Annealing Algorithms Applied to the Directed Steiner Problem on Networks
226 -- 230Thomas J. Sager, Shi-Jen Lin. A Pruning Procedure for Exact Graph Coloring
231 -- 240Edward P. C. Kao. Using State Reduction for Computing Steady State Probabilities of Queues of GI/PH/1 Types
241 -- 252Frederick J. Portier, Robert E. Haymond. A Product Automaton Formalism for Hierarchical, Modular, Discrete Simulation
253 -- 261Harvey J. Greenberg, Frederic H. Murphy. Approaches to Diagnosing Infeasible Linear Programs
262 -- 265Frank Dammeyer, Peter Forst, Stefan Voß. Technical Note - On the Cancellation Sequence Method of Tabu Search
266 -- 0Weldon A. Lodwick. Book Review

Volume 3, Issue 2

85 -- 0Harvey J. Greenberg. Editor s Introduction
86 -- 91Raj Jagannathan. Optimal Partial-Match Hashing Design
92 -- 106David N. Kempka, Jeffery L. Kennington, Hossam A. Zaki. Performance Characteristics of the Jacobi and the Gauss-Seidel Versions of the Auction Algorithm on the Alliant FX/8
107 -- 120Hemant K. Bhargava, Steven O. Kimbrough, Ramayya Krishnan. Unique Names Violations, a Problem for Model Integration or You Say Tomato, I Say Tomahto
121 -- 134Karla L. Hoffman, Manfred Padberg. Improving LP-Representations of Zero-One Linear Programs for Branch-and-Cut
135 -- 148Brigitte Jaumard, Pierre Hansen, Marcus Poggi de Aragão. Column Generation Methods for Probabilistic Logic
149 -- 156David Applegate, William Cook. A Computational Study of the Job-Shop Scheduling Problem
157 -- 168John W. Chinneck, Erik W. Dravnieks. Locating Minimal Infeasible Constraint Sets in Linear Programs
169 -- 172Karel Zikan. Technical Note - Least-Squares Image Registration
173 -- 175Harvey J. Greenberg. SOFTWARE SECTION - RANDMOD: A System for Randomizing Modifications to an Instance of a Linear Program
176 -- 0Jennifer Ryan. Book Review

Volume 3, Issue 1

1 -- 2Harvey J. Greenberg. Editor s Introduction
3 -- 11Bennett L. Fox, Andrew R. Young. Generating Markov-Chain Transitions Quickly: II
12 -- 22H. Sitaraman. Approximation of Some Markov-Modulated Poisson Processes
23 -- 32Kenneth W. Bauer Jr., Bipin Kochar, Joseph Talavage. Discrete Event Simulation Model Decomposition by Principal Components Analysis
33 -- 55Paul Helman, Arnon Rosenthal. A Mass Production Technique to Speed Multiple-Query Optimization and Physical Database Design
56 -- 62Renato De Leone, Terence T.-H. Ow. Parallel Implementation of Lemke s Algorithm on the Hypercube
63 -- 65Nimrod Megiddo. On Finding Primal- and Dual-Optimal Bases
66 -- 80Asim Roy, Somnath Mukhopadhyay. Pattern Classification Using Linear Programming
81 -- 83Harvey J. Greenberg, John W. Chinneck, Gerald M. Karam. Book Reviews